
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SawtoothMoney86, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    The map ZMP-Laboratory is part of a map pack made by EPIC SH00TER and myself (SawtoothMoney86) ZMP-Laboratory is the last map in the map pack and by far the best map. This map is a free roam style infection map that features an interesting lab theme. The gametype makes you spawn with an assault rifle and grenades as well as the ability to pick weapons up around the map, the map features a host of weapons including:
    10+ Assault Rifles
    4 Magnums
    2 Grenade Launchers
    2 DMRs
    6 Shotguns
    5 Grenades
    1 Sniper rifle
    1 Rocket launcher that spawn 45 seconds into the game
    Besides the amount of weapons the map also features some cool aesthetics that will be shown in the pictures in this post. When you play the map you spawn in the large main room shown below, the picture shows off the gravity lift into the gravity lift room as well as the computer pillars

    As you can see right off the spawn the humans have multiply ways to go, they could go forward to the weapons sitting on a table in front of them, or to the right and take multiply paths to disperse deeper into the map. but you'll always want to have a wingman by your side because zombies are never far away.
    a little past the human spawn we can see the zombie spawn area which is a large glass tunnel that leads out onto balcony that drops the zombies into the map
    the zombies spawn area is pictured below

    The zombies, after they spawn would run down the hall and out the one way shield and into the map, where the zombies could proceed to infect those juicy humans. the walkway out and balcony are pictured below

    The map also features a bunch of well balanced hold out positions that both require skill and teamwork, sorry no one entrance rooms in this map
    And so now look below at the pictures and be sure to read the caption above the picture to understand what the picture is.

    Below are two more screen shots of the main hall which show off a couple of entrances into the rest of the map as well as some aesthetics on the walls and tall pillars that house a network of computers


    this picture is from the perspective of someone over by the human spawn


    this picture is of the entrance to the glass hallway and the A.I, hallway which lead deeper into the map as well as the entrance to the network table room


    below you can see some pictures of the gravity lift room, this gravity lift is pictured in the human spawn picture. The gravity room features a nice gravity lift and some crates to block human fire and even if it looks like there is no cover the mancannon definitely gives the zombies the drop on the humans and prevents camping, the pictures are from two different angles

    below is a picture from inside the gravity lift room

    and below is a picture from outside of the gravity lift room
    the picture also features a bright and diverse screen and a table that houses a grenade and health pack

    The next area i'm highlighting is the short glass hallway, now at first glance the room seems one entrance but located in the back is a crate the zombies can knock over and make the room easy to cleared out

    below is a picture of the entrance to the glass hallway, the pictures shows an assault rifle, magnum and a single shotgun to help you hold out, but the real key to this area is teamwork and hopeing the zombies won't find the back entrance.

    below is a picture of the back of the glass hallway. This pictures features a zombie knocking down the crate and storming the hallway and most likely infecting all residing humans

    next it's time for the A.I. hallway which as you can guess is a hallway with an A.I.
    this hallway is located next to the glass hallway and goes all the way back to the rocket room and the lift up to the loft
    this room is not really a holdout point, but because of all the cover and entrances but can serve as a nice last man standing fight zone

    below is a sort of overview of the A.I. Hallway as you can see on the right there is the glass hallway

    this picture below is of the spawn camera which highlights the A.I. and so of the cool aesthetics

    Now lets move onto the network table room which features table aesthetics, this room is actually split into two rooms, blocked by a brace large. one room houses the sniper rifle and one doorway in, the one entrance is countered by the zombie spawn room above this area and the doorway into the other half of the network table room which can cause this area to be overrun by a horde very easily and usually forces humans to move along quickly and only gather weapons in the room and move onto the other half of the network table room which is a better holdout point

    below is the image of the first area of the network table room

    Next is the second area of the network table room, this room features some cool energy producing combines that would produce energy and another network table, as well as a nice bar shaped power system, this room also houses a DMR, a Shotgun and a grenade launcher and has a mancannon that leads into the loft and an entrance to the loft ramp

    below is a picture of the second area network table room

    The last area is probaly the most commonly used and has the most ways to get infected by a horde of zombies is the loft. the loft is located above the facility and is used to help scientists get around the facility more easily
    below the loft is pictured

    there are four ways into the loft, the hallway from the network table room which is accessed by using the lift up which is pictured below

    Another picture of the lift up, this time from the base of the lift up

    this is a picture of the hallway that come of the lift up which leads into the loft

    the second way up is the ramp up that leads out of the rocket room and into the loft, the rocket room and the ramp to the loft are pictured below

    Below is the rocket room, as you can see the rocket launcher is located above the door and requires you to jump for it

    below is the picture of the ramp leading into the loft, this photo was taken at the bottom of the ramp

    Lucky for you humans there is a crate located above the entrance from the rocket room ramp to the loft which you can knock over and block the door giving you one less entrance to worry about, the crate usually takes 45 seconds or less to be knocked out of the way by zombies so you should still have someone cover that way, and even if the zombies don't push it out of the way the crate will despawn after a minute and will need to be pushed over again

    below is a human pushing over the crate to block the entrance

    the last two area up aren't that hard to find either, one is the pile of junk located at on the base of the loft lift, it is located in the back of the A.I. Hallway this way up is the least commonly used so humans never suspect it

    below is a picture of the pile of junk from ground level

    below is a picture of the pile of junk and the opening the zombies have to jump through

    and the final way up is the loft lift which located in a little alocove behind the pile of junk which is our third entrance
    the lift is pictured below

    and below is another picture of the full alocove minus the lift

    and so the loft in turn for having so many entrancing is a very hard place to hold out would require almost a whole team of humans to survive in it
    both of the last two area require a great deal of team work. if you have some people cover one entrance and none covering another then zombies will get in, its kind of like both areas survive because of each other btu if one falls both fall, if you see what i'm saying

    And last but not least i want to highlight some of the zombie spawn areas, these are the ones that sort of have a vent or small room where the zombies spawn and sometimes get a choice as to where they want to go or even ambush a human by dropping out of the ceiling, these aren't the only zombies spawns but these are the ones that are rooms

    below is the two way zombie drop spawn that allows the zombies to drop out in the A.I. hall or in the Rocket Room in front of rockets

    This one is the zombie vent in the first area of the network table room, it is one of the three ways for zombies to get into the room

    This is are last zombie spawn we'll be highlighting, this one is located in the main hall above the entrance to network table room and the gravity lift room

    it can also be seen in this picture of the main hall as the led in the top right corner of the picture

    like i said before there are other spawn areas, like the drop spawn area in the gravity lift room but these are the big ones

    So that is really all for this map hope you guys didn't die of boredom while reading this post and for your patience i have two videos for you below and remember both videos show older version of the map so don't pay attention to the aesthetics to much in the videos, the videos are more to show you gameplay and how well the map played then and how well the new version plays now

    first is the feature video on EPIC SH00TER's channel, this video features a much older version of the map but the reason to watch it is to just see gameplay because gameplay is sort of the same, minus camping
    The exact Version number is version 50 (not the actual number of version but we just were playing around)
    Click Here to watch that video

    The other video is on my personal channel and is just gameplay from the version before the version this post is about, in this video you can see unedited gameplay and really get a feel for the map (In this video crazy lag at 4:24, skip to 5:10 to avoid the freeze)
    Click Here to watch that video

    anyway hope you guys liked the post, there are always room for changes on these maps so feel free to post any suggestions or anything you liked or disliked in the map or questions you might have and i'll reply
    thanks again, peice out
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really, really like this map. You managed to create multiple various, creative strongholds, and you used both long and short sightlines to create a unique and interesting way of playing. I recommend this map to any Infection fan out there, and I'll also propose it to be put in the BIOC Database. Great job. :)
  3. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    thanks REM that really means a lot, also saw your preview for your ridgeline progression map cannot wait to test it, looks awesome
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I'm going to test it again next Sunday, obviously there were some things that needed to be fixed so it will play better by then! :)
    We should also play this map again sometime, as I stated before, it offers a really cool experience of playing.
  5. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    hey you know that secret type map i was talking about on youtube, it's done and it's epic could we get a lobby on it this sunday by chance? or maybe you could just come into my game and look at it?

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