Hello staff ranger, my name is Aaron but everyone knows me by xUSMCxMARIN3x. I saw your post about a boot camp. I would be more than happy to make you one. I will be back on xbox in about an hour which will be 2:31 eastern time. I would ask for you to send me a friend request and a message notifying its you. If you do allow me to make your map i would like it if you join me so you may help but so you can tell me what you want on the map. Thank you. -Aaron P.S. if i'm not on at 2:30 east. time then i'm fixing my internet because I recently moved so its still being fixed up. Also if you want I'll show you some of my maps for you to see what i'm capable of. Thank You.
What is with all these pointless little clans coming here and acting as if they can post a request for a map and have a good forger go build them a crappy clan base. Go build it yourself. This site was built so that forgers could help each other become better at what they do, not for lazy clan leaders to solicit forges for hire.
You dont have to be so harsh seriously he was just asking because he is a competitive player not forger thats all seriously I know him he is a good guy. [br][/br]Edited by merge: He actually isn't a 12 year old he is actually a teenager and and he doesn't think he is cool just trying to get a competitive clan going thats all.
Annnnnd the spam stops here. Contribute to the post with something that actually contributes or don't post at all.
Okay for a legitimate non-hate/flame comment. I get the idea for a boot camp is to get better at reach so you have a better chance at defeating your opponent. But wouldn't just downloading all the maps in Matchmaking and playing on them be more helpful? If you did that then you would be much more aware of strategies, tac-jumps, weapon placement, spawning, where people tend to go more often ect. I'm just saying that it seems more logical to train on the actual maps you'd be playing on while online. Makes sense to me.
Forge Hub = Clan Base Map website . You Non-Forgers Stop asking for us to make a clan or boot camp map , do it yourself or find someone in your clan to forge it . Just stop posting that kind of comments . Forge Hub is supposed to be a Community of forgers not a asking submission of Clan base BUT im sure someone can help you out there , im pretty sure, i guest we are open to that kind of request ? IS THAT BETTER NOXIW ?