Favela Run Hey guys! Brief history Spoiler Today, I finished up the co-forge project Beybok and me have been working on the last couple of months. Well, couple of months, I pretty much finished up the map in two days total, since he left off for a vacation a few weeks ago, and we kind of took a break from our map from that moment. However, I found the motivation to get back into it two days ago and then I successfully finished the map in a few hours time all together. (Did about 90% of the map the last 2 days!) Normally I'm not so fast with finishing my maps, for some reason I always tend to delay my maps whenever I'm finally warming up, but this time everything went great! So, Beybok and I have been working on a Linear Progression map on Ridgeline. As some of you may know, the Anniversary maps can be a true pain in the ass to forge on due to all the restrictions and limits, but I think we nailed it with this map. It's still in development, I'm currently testing the map to finetune things, and maybe change a couple of things and structures too, but I can already give you a preview of the global layout of the map. It is possible though that quite some things will look different in the final version. The map takes place in a Favela, one of those typical Brazilian slums where all houses are stacked on top of each other and build very close to one another. I know real favela's have less "playground" and consist more of little houses that are stacked on top of each other, but for the sake of gameplay I had to find the perfect mix between elevation and flat ground. Either way, your goal is to reach the top, and while trying to get there, you'll have to hold out at several dead ends, waiting for something to spawn in which will enable you to move on. The gameplay can be described as rather "intense". I tested it for the first time today, and although it was still a little bit too difficult for the humans in its current state, I do aim for this speedy way of playing, as it proved to be a lot of fun and things can get really crazy most of the time. Here are the piccas: The human spawn area. They quickly have to make their way into the building. You can't afford to wait, for the zombies will be right behind you. The first holdout area. Overview of the first part of the map. Insight of the second holdout area. Second holdout area from a different perspective. Please tell me what you think down below! And if you've already played it, I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you for reading! Update: Beybok and I came to the conclusion that it's practically not a co-forge anymore, as I literally made 99,99% of the map by myself. For that reason, I scrapped his name as one of the creators so it's now no longer his map. However, we did plan to make a favela map together so we'll definitely do co-forge the long awaited sequel on Forgeworld so we can pay off! (Although it's extremely difficult to find proper times to get on together.) Either way, I made some changes to the map, the ending in particular. Here are some new pictures to give you a clue! (I didn't post pictures of the third holdout area but it was much smaller and narrower.) The map is rounding up so this is most likely the way it's going to be once it's completely done. A look at how the 2nd area looks right now (small but important changes compared to the first set up) This is what the 3rd area looks like. As I said, it was much smaller before, but I decided to delete the 4th area instead. I'll post more pictures soon (either in this preview or sometime in the future in the final thread, depends on when I have time). I'm glad with the way it turned out, because in my opinion it fits really well in the colorful theme of the map and functions as a nice climax to the previous strongholds. Another angle. Watch the part on the left.
I was hoping to test it with you today, so you could also show me your secret project, but we can still do it next Sunday. And thanks for the kind words!
Thanks, I am looking for people to help me since it's hard to find enough players with the map packs that are online at the same time. (Although somehow I did manage to test this map with 14 people, including a lot of ForgeHub members, haha)
Had to remove it I'll have to do the same with the pile of railings, I'm sorry. Maybe we can use it in the second map, but it proved to be ineffective on this map, in this place. Besides, I'm going to need the extra budget it's going to offer.
All of the people who replied to this post did not get to play the map yesterday in our custom lobby. I got to try it and here is my feedback for the gameplay. I enjoyed playing on the map, but I never got to the last part of the map. The reason being is just because the map was to hard. You might want to fix that gravity lift, I went on it a couple tmes and I didn't make it where I had to go. Now for the map itself. I really liked your aesthetics for the map, including the bench made out of jersey barriers. It all looked very nice and since you made it on Ridgline.....BRAVO!! It would be awesome if in one of the pictures you see me behind the little box. As Oakley called it "The Protector Box" lol. Don't remove that box, it is mine :|
Yeah Ridgeline can be a true *****, and you're really limited in all kinds of aspects. I'm glad the map is still enjoyable already, even though I know I have to fix things. I didn't know about the grav lift yet, thanks! And I'll stick with the Protector Box, I liked it too. Would be cool if it could be a regular thing where zombies keep using it to protect themselves. xD I'm actually thinking about moving the same box from the last picture and place it on top of that one, so it's even more appealing to use it in that way.
This looks great guys. Using the rocks and natural terrain makes it really worthwhile forging on this map. It really does look like a favela; I cant wait to test
Haha next Sunday, boy. Already discovered glitches will be fixed, so the experience will be better. And I'm glad the natural looks payed off, I tried to use the trees for the best instead of having them bother me.
Bro, This theme are definitely original, since favelas here in Brazil are strange and over floored. People most tend to see it as a monument, but that is the Art of the Human race. Like, yeah, I'm not joking... Since the gameplay are amazing in this map. (I dont play in this yet) but I know it will be. Seriously bro, this is a really dificulty place to forge. I already tried to make one, and Man...It is hard as hell. It is Chaotic. See it: You can find this kind of people in that too: yeah... they really love the Life.
Like I've already said, the map is too small to support a full 16-player lobby, and the second holdout area is a little bit difficult. Other than that, I think the idea is very original, and I tried forging on Ridgeline and it is very difficult. Kudos!
Thanks! I think I can make it work with 16 players though. I always want to make my maps support a full lobby, even if it's on a DLC map. (And as you can see, both times I tested it so far, we had a full lobby. On Ridgeline!) It's a tad bit too difficult for the humans now but I've already thought of some ideas to fix that. (In general, I'm probably going to make some areas more open when there are multiple zombie approaches, and make it more choked when there's only one.) And Redy, I'm probably going to include that picture in the final thread, it shows off a real Favela really well!
Okay, I just played a game. First, it looks great, you have pulled of the Favela look really well. But for this, you have sacrificed frame rate. The map runs reaallly slow and it really impeded my enjoyment. You definitely need to cut down on object count to make this map work. Also, the first area I feel needs to be changed. Although I was not infected during this first area I could tell it was not very enjoyable for them because they had only one way to get to the survivors. On top of this they did not have any height advantage, or any other advantage at all. Things got better as the map went on. I liked the 2nd area because it got increasingly difficult with zombies beginning to spawn at more advantageous positions. I was shitting myself when they started hitting that teleporter high up! We only managed to get to the last area once, so I did not get to see much of it but of what I could see it looked decent. I like how you added that small building for the zombies to flank the humans.
Thanks, that was some very helpful feedback! I agree with everything you said, and I will definitely work on those things. I'm probably going to delete and remake that whole first staircase building as the object density is very high and you're only there for a few seconds anyway. I'm reasonably sure there is framerate lag because of all the wall doubles and 2x2 ramp steeps I used, so I'll try to get rid of some of them. (I still stand by my opinion that those 2x2 are extremely useful in a lot of ways though. You should use them more often Elliot! ) Which small building do you mean, by the way? Do you mean the one with the pallets? Yeah I liked it too, but I have to improve on it cause I wanted it to be used differently, actuallly. (I want the humans to put one or two of their guys in there too.) Overall, I liked the gameplay too (I just played another game on it). Especially the difficulty for the humans in the second phase has improved a ton, it's much easier to coordinate now and team shoot the zombies, yet it's still as hectic as I intend it to be and the shooting is still endless. I feel we're one step closer to finishing this map.
I also think you need to change that first staircase, I think it looked quite messy and if you say it affects frame rate it definitely should be changed. Yeah, that building, it worked well for the zombies but was rendered useless for the humans. You should add some windows or maybe a platform inside or something to give the humans a reason to choose to hold out inside it.
I'm currently thinking of a way to work on the first staircase, it's a bit messy indeed. Honestly I don't like it either, and the fact that you're only running by and not really holding out makes it even more useless to keep it the way it is now. I'm probably just going to remake the whole thing and start over with that specific part of the map. I'll keep the holdout location on top the same though, until further testing proves me wrong. Best way to go with that building is to probably make at least one of the pallets not respawn, and then probably the one that's closest to the zombie approach. That way you'll actually want a guy in there, but it won't be too difficult for him to stay alive. I'll figure it out.
This is pretty fun map to play on. I'll tell you a couple things that bothered me, and a couple things I liked. From the start of the map to the finish. Keep in mind these are mostly to do with gameplay. You have a really nice looking map here, with a perfect favela theme. So the game starts, and I see zombies on my radar. That was cool. It gets players moving and also makes them watch their backs while doing so. Gives a rushed kinda "OH ****" feeling. The first holdout was pretty decent. There are three things I could point about this spot that could be fixed. First of all, zombie gameplay for the first holdout sucks. Very boring, there's one linear entrance and I don't think I ever infected anybody in that room. The room itself is pretty plain for aesthetics too. You have the nice realistic favela themed walls, but none of it really has to do with gameplay. Even a desk to hide behind, or some cover to roam around and explore would be better. Thirdly, fix the grav lift. Please. I feel like the first minute is just a countdown til the survivors have to turn their backs only to get infected when trying to get up that lift. There should be a few lifts, to support the army of survivors, and they should be tilted slightly. Every test, that lift is where people would get infected for the first time, easily making it through the first holdout. The second holdout, unlike the first, was really hard. Most of the time, the game ended here. I'm not quite sure how you would change that. I know there was a third holdout, but I'm assuming you took it out because there's no pictures of it. Overall it was a fun map to play, probably even funner now that you finished it. It does seem like you need to spread the infection consistently throughout the map. Not just at certain points. Great job Beybok. Great job REMkings.