Block City Block City is a 3 leveled map wich main structure only consist of 3x3 blocks. The inspiration for this map might come from Mario Kart 64- Block Fort. . . Weapon list: 2 Assault Rifles 2 Plasma Repeaters 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Magnums 1 DMR 1 Needle Rifle 2 Needlers 2 Grenade Launchers 2 Concussion Rifles 1 Shotgun 1 Gravity Hammer + Grenades Oh, and when you are playing infection, it gets dark. . .
Well this is interesting. It's been a while man! I really like the texture on some of the inner walls, it looks almost hive like with the octagonal holes everywhere. I understand that it's based off block land, but it really would look a bit better with a different texture on the floor to contrast with the monolithic block 3 x 3's. I haven't played so I don't know how it played, though nothing looks too out of the ordinary, even if the lower central courtyard feels a bit unsafe to try to move through. Good to see you're still forging.
yeah, i noticed that some of the flatter 3x3 pieces have a really good looking backside, I think i will take more advatage of that in the next map im building. as for the floor, i think i can agree with you that it would look alot better with something to contrast with the rest of the 3x3 blocks, I've might have been too cought up in the idea to notice it . altough im to lazy to change it right now. the lower level is a bit unsafe, but isnt that part of the fun? theres plenty of danger in the game allready ^^ I dont know if I will be forging that much more for the moment, but i really look forward to halo 4 and the new forge world