When I select a map I am working on to load up it loads up a different map. When I press X to look at the file details it says the map name is the one it loads up instead, even though it has the correct name on the list of maps. Is there any way of fixing this or is the map lost forever.
As far as I know at this point, I think you're SOL and hopefully you have an older save. I can't remember what actually triggers it either...
Actually, it happens like so 1) you have a map already loaded in your selection box 2) you join a game with someone who has a different map file 3) you play the other persons map 4) you save other persons map by selecting "save map" (as opposed to save new map) 5) the map you just saved will overwrite the map you had loaded earlier (in step 1)
Hmmmm, I didn't join someone elses game though :/ I think it went like this: 1. working on map 2. save map and leave 3. another player joins my lobby 4. load up another map 5. mess around on map and save That is completely normal. The only thing I can think of triggering it is that I loaded my gamertag onto another xbox last night. I then started up Reach today, the map that I was messing around on was already loaded. I then selected the map I was first working on and it just loaded up as the latter map again.
same thing, the components: -you have a map already loaded -you started a map loaded by someone else -you saved the other persons map as "save map" as opposed to "save new map" this is because, even though it is a new map, you still have your previous map in your cache, so the game assumes that it is still the same map, because you never selected a new one.
Overwrites happen, the only way I know of to prevent them is to Save as New every time you save. I haven't had a problem since I started doing that.
This is the safest method, though loading up another non-forge map to clear the cache will also prevent this from happening. I have a friend who always loads up Sword Base before going onto a forge map. He has had no issues.
Whatever map you "saved as new map" last is the one it will overwrite when you hit save.... Doesnt matter what map you're on at the time..... So if you're focusing only on one map and constantly saving it wouldn't happen, but I still save as new just to be safe.
This happened to buddhacrane 2 days ago when he tried to finish off the last puzzle in his nearly 2 year long puzzle map project... I lol'd because he cried <3
Awww poor bastard...the same thing happened to Temple. Best bet is to load up Sword Base like Shoe was saying, so you don't have a gajillion different saves for one map.
Avoiding a million maps is easy too, just delete old versions every day and keep the top 3 saves of each project. I also keep a + in front of my current projects now so I can find them fast. (Flamingo taught me this.)
Nope, it is lost forever. However I have been re-forging the map and it is already 10x better. I think the sword base option is probably the easiest.
Doesn't what you're saying imply that you have to be online, and either join up with someone else or have them join up with you? The overwrite glitch happened to my best friend, and he was Forging solo the whole time; he wasn't even signed into Live.
That's really strange... I guess the only way to be 100% certain this glitch doesn't affect you is to save as a new map very time you go to save. I usually do this and keep the last 3 or so most recent, so my files don't get too cluttered. Sorry about your map bro. Glad to hear that it's looking better this go around though