Quadrant By: PA1NTS An asymmetrical 1v1 map. It's been quite the break I've had, in terms of making competitive maps. I struggled to make a complex working design for a 1v1 map in time for the deadline of the Smackdown contest. So I went with a more simple approach. 4 equal rooms, with each one having subtle changes in the structure, color and weapon set. Pretty much the definition of an asymmetrical map. Some people like basic maps, some people don't. My goal was to make something easy to catch on to, whether that's going to be a good thing or a bad thing I'm not sure. I wanted Quadrant's design to still have purpose though. That being to coordinate the player by which room they spawn in. It makes it easier for players to find weapons, and find their way around the small 2 tiered 4 room map. The spawns are spread between both levels, with the majority of them on the bottom obviously. But there are weapons on both levels. On the higher portion of the map each power weapon finds itself sitting in the far most corner of each room. It's quite the trek to grab a power weapon and make it back to a more covered spot, without getting seen. On the lower portion of the map, there are hallways connecting blue to orange, and yellow to green, symmetrically. In addition to that, a sidearm weapon in the middle of each room, and health packs and grenades present in other spots. That about wraps it up, I'm open to criticism if there's any. I want to make game-play better and maybe I can change in time for a better smackdown submission. Here's some pics. Download Quadrant Here.
I managed to find this on the in-game browser before finding it here. This is definitely the most simple map I've ever seen, let alone on Forgehub. I personally like these kind of designs though, especially since it allows for clean forging. If any feedback, I would try to implement a third floor. It would likely make the map less clean, but the map would have an existing control point, rather than running around and timing the powerups (though I do like how the powerups are placed). Considering it's for 1v1, it's not much to worry about though. I like the design as well as the forging.
ALL I SEE IS GRAY!!! On a more serious note I would suggest adding more color to the map or try changing the light filter. BTW: How much budget do you have left?
The thing about the map, is that it is so basic. Now I can mess with it for other versions, try adding a third floor, or maybe change some of the elevations of the second floor. And so on. Thanks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok... First of all, there's color coordination everywhere. In each direction you look. Every room, on the walls, doors, floors and even ramps. You probably can't see it. My photo editing program gives the photos an auto correct that I don't know to change, but I don't mind it. And there's nothing wrong with gray anyway, it looks way better than mixing gray with those weird glass forerunner blocks that have blue color and patterns all over them. I'd much rather look at brace's and walls. Some people call that clean forging. Only using solid textures. Guess you don't, but that's your opinion and I gotta respect it. I just pretty much kicked the habit of using any glass. I'm not actually sure how budget I had left. I think it was like 1600$. Don't really wanna spend anymore If I don't have to.
Alright, personally, I hate the use of FX in maps in general. I feel the new contrast distracts players from the goal of killing the other players. But if you have tested and it was fine then I don't have a problem. Secondly, I would like to see if the current player orientation system works, because from these images, it is very hard to see how players would know where to be. Also, it feels a bit big for a 1v1. Maybe a 4v4 or at the very least a 2v2 looks to work well with this map. However, I really like the sleek aesthetic design in the map. It's simple aesthetic touch will really prevent the cluttering of forge objects and let players focus more on the goal at hand. What I have said is based on what I can see in the provided pictures. I'll download this and take a look for myself. I will get back to you on it. You have a great aesthetic design and you should really keep at it.
First Repression, now Quadrant. Complex lives on! I'm not sure where you drew you inspiration from, but it definitely has similarities to Complex (a map from Goldeneye). So, I don't have anything to say gameplay wise, because I haven't played the map yet, but I want to give you props for making a room based asym. Will be back for feedback.
I think calling a map gray and saying it needs to be more colorful should be grounds for an infraction at this point. It is redundant and can hardly be called feedback. Not everyone wants to throw a bunch of Play Y's, Struts, Braces, or Platform XL's onto their maps solely for this purpose. Regardless, the map clearly has at least two of these staple color pieces in each room along with many different shades of gray/textures to provide orientation and depth. There are even rocks to provide even more diversity. I would hardly call this map "gray" by Reach's Forge standards. OT: Looks good. I have consistently had fun on these kinds of 90 degree Quake maps in Reach (Schnitzel's Quake remake, "Liquor," and Xzamples "Worthy.") I don't think I'll be involved in the Custom's community anymore for Reach, so I likely won't be playing this, but I like the style, palate, and layout you've got going here. PS: You really should add a 3rd floor.
So describing what I see is grounds for an infraction? If my post was infraction-worthy then I hope I do get an infraction for it. If a moderator decides that I need an infraction for it then so be it. But, if i had not removed the "ALL I SEE IS GRAY PART" would you have even posted? All that I'm saying is that clearly Quadrant needs more colors to distinquish one room from another.
Yes, I believe calling a map "gray" and saying, "it needs more color," is pointless when it comes to Reach's Forge. Every map is gray and could "use more color," but unless a map is made up of 100% Coli walls and 4x4s, I fail to see how it helps the author make the map play better. Seriously, you could go into every thread and post what you said. As I said before, there are plenty of different shades of gray and varied textures that more than adequately make up for the sparse use of colored objects. On top of that he does have colored objects in each room. Right when you walk in there's a color-coded upside-down Plat XL. There are also colored 3x1's over the door to each room that help with orientation as well. To further accentuate the visuals, each room has unique aesthetics coded into the walls between the Brace, Larges. CU has rocks, Orange and Green have Braces, and Camo has dark steel (from what looks the trim of Bunker, Ramps). Color doesn't mean a butt-load of the cliche staple objects I mentioned in my previous post. Color can be obtained just like it has been here with a strong palate and smart texturing. Get owned. And are you serious about your last comment? It's asymmetrical. If you can't tell what room you're in based on the unique layout each one possesses, then you've got some issues with awareness and sense of direction.
I gave this a download and fly through in forge. It's a fairly simple, minimalist design and I like that. No gimmicks. Just simple, effective map flow, power positions, open rooms and tight choke points. There's a few things I didn't like about it though. Although the Sniper and CPU elbows are connected to each other, they are not connected to the rest of the map by any hard route. Players are forced to jump a somewhat awkward 2 units to get to either the Snipe or CPU. Easy fix though. The Camo and CPU rooms look very similar, particularly near the powerups. See where the powerups and the ramps are in relation to each other? It's symmetrical in those areas. No biggie, just pointing it out... Personally, I wouldn't put all 4 power weapons/powerups in the high points of the map. Maybe 2 high and 2 low, just to encourage players to drop down every now and then. This is a pretty big 1v1 map. It could easily support 4 players. Although the enhanced radar will definitely scale the map down, in a sense. Not bad dude.
I didn't say that he didn't have colored objects in each room. I said he needed more color and/or indicators.
I'd say 1v1 is the best option for it. The spawns are already so predictable, so I can see 2v2 not working. I think it depends on the spawn points if a guy can get disoriented or not. Regardless, you can memorize which color room has which power weapon (Rock wall/Gold = custom, Orange/ center ramp = nothing, green = sniper, blue/"2-story" wall = camo). I've never played on it, but there could be some color along the lower/upper walls (such as a line of struts/Ramp xl's). The map's geometry is pretty similar in each room so orientation is nothing simple.
There's no FX! Like I said above, it's just an auto correct that my photo program automatically applies. 4v4 are you kidding me? You would spawn with someone in front of you every time! You guessed it. Actually, I drew inspiration from not only complex, but your map Worthy also. I loved playing complex growing up. Best map. Also loved worthy. I'll work on another version. Implementing what people have suggested. What would be the easy fix to the Snipe/CPU problem? Maybe you could show me what you mean exactly. Camo and CPU room do have similarities in the ramp system. It's something I'm definitely gunna play around with, now that you mention it. Your also very right about moving either one or two power weapons down to the first floor. Maybe even add a third route down there too. It does support 2v2. But definitely not 4v4 like EliteWarrior said. Orange room actually houses a concussion rifle. A power weapon that I think plays pretty well (when there`s no vehicles.)
This was a really unique map. It has a different atmosphere than alot of other maps I see on forgehub. Should I upload our 1v1 to Youtube? lol
You'd have to delete a few 'brace, larges' and connect the 2x4's with the others. If anything, I'm sure you could come up with something. You could always replace whatever it is you moved with something else of interest. Say you moved the Camo to the floor, you could add two Stickies, or a Health Pack, in it's absence. That way you'd still give players an incentive to move all the way to the elbow's edge.
So, to my understanding of what your saying, I should make another route to snipe and/or CPU? And move some braces around to stop that awkward cutting-of-the-corners? Sounds actually tough. You may need to show me what your thinking exactly, if you actually wanna see it changed. Unless I just described what you basically wanted. Also stickies and a health pack doesn't give me much incentive to go to the corner but I see what your saying. Too many power weaps in the corners.Thanks for the feedback Noooooooooch. did you get a chance to see this in game? I don't remember if it was you I played when you joined me. Maybe it was ConfuseFlamingo. There were so many forge hubbers I played with that day I was kinda flabbergasted.
Very impressive aesthetics and it seems like it would have good gameplay. My only thing is to try to make some of the rooms look different otherwise I think the orintation of the map might be off.
Ok, I updated the map guys. Download link for version 3 is all set up. You can download it here. Here's the list of changes: -Simplified spawns. (Thanks Noooooch) -Moved sniper rifle to lower level. -Added teleporter sender on bottom level and receiver on second level. -Blocked off some jumps on the second level to prevent chase-downs. -Moved CPU to a new high platform.
I downloaded this and got a 1v1 on it with a friend the other day. Chase downs were a problem (I'm a coward). Glad to see it fixed, along with a host of other things Redownloading.