Run Little Ducklings

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Fearless GT, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Fearless GT

    Fearless GT Forerunner

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    It’s about time that the file shares systems are back up, right.​
    Anyway, I thought I’d make a map that I have never made before, the map type is​
    Duck Hunt

    “Run Little Duckling”

    Fearless GT


    Decided to make this type of map because all the duck hunt maps I’ve played before have been so fun, crazy, challenging, everything. So I thought I’d make my own, and include all of those above to achieve maximum enjoyment for everyone.

    This map isn’t like the normal duck hunt maps out there, which are, just say, 8 levels, simple obstacles and barriers, one side blocked so you can’t fall off ect.​
    I wanted to make it completely different from the others, I think I’ve done that.

    There are 5 levels to the map, each level has different challenges and obstacles to overcome. It has a filtration design on the first 3 levels, which means, people will get to level 2, some will pass, some will fall, meaning there will be players on levels 1-4, making them spread out and not in a large cluster at the same time.

    There are 5 health packs, 1 on each level, some slightly hidden and they don’t re spawn.

    There are 5 different equipments, one on each level, don’t be smart and try to get them first as this can result you falling down a level or two, or getting yourself killed.

    Custom power up at the end, which will help you to kill the hunter, it makes you invincible, don't forget to pick it up otherwise the hunter can still kill you. It respawns every second, this means if everyone makes it to the end at the same time, everyone has a chance to get the power up and kill the Hunter.


    The Hunter can choose between 3 different weapons to use, Rocket Launcher, Sniper or Laser.

    Here are some pictures to give you extra insight to the map;



















    Don't forget to


  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha this looks hilarious! I really want to play this with you some time Fearless! I've been working on a Duck Hunt map myself one year ago but I stopped because I had other projects to work on. Your map proves that it wasn't a mistake because this seems to be just as much fun. I wonder if you gave the ducks (the zombies, I assume) only 1 life though, because that's my ultimate frustration with Duck Hunt. If you did, you should consider making them respawn but in some kind of cage, from where they can harass the remaining ducks but not kill them. Just like in Crash-Up Derby. That way it won't be so boring to wait for the next round anymore. :)
    Either way, can't wait to check this out in game.
  3. TimeEscape

    TimeEscape Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've played this with a bunch of friends and it's a great map. I like how if you mess up you are brought back to the level before. Great, fun, enjoyable, and challenging.
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fearless, how about we play this map next Sunday? I need to test a map or two myself anyway.
  5. Fearless GT

    Fearless GT Forerunner

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    Yeah, that's fine with me, hopefully I can make it
  6. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like the best Reach duck hunt map I've ever seen! With all the mediocre duck hunt maps clogging up Reach's file base, it's nice to see one once in a while that's actually well-made. I'll give it a DL. Cheers!
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Team Epiphany is far gone from how cool they ever used to be, but still, getting featured on a channel with 40k subs makes you feel awesome. I would know, Whac-a-Mole got featured once. (But they didn't mention my name as usual :S)

    Either way, congratulations Fearless! This is pretty cool :D

    Halo Reach Epic Maps Episode 128: Run Ducklings Run! - YouTube

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