Why hello there Forgehub, It has been quite some time since I’ve posted any of my creations. So today I bring you what will most likely be the last three maps that I will finish before the release of Halo 4. While lurking and commenting I have been evolving my forge skill. These are some of my best combinations of aesthetics, game play, and overall atmosphere. I will provide download links so that you may get a better look at the map, play for yourselves, and give more proper feedback. So without further delay, I present, The Docks, Mostoma, And Rebirth. The Docks This is a 4v4 or 8 player FFA map built to resemble an abandoned shipping facility. It is currently set up for slayer, KoTH, CTF, and Assault. I have played a handful of FFA matches on here and so far I’m pleased with how it has performed. Power Weapons Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Shotgun Screenshots Overview Blue Side Red Side Download File Share Halo Official Site Mostoma At first it may seem like this little map is severely unbalanced due to its odd design, But on the contrary that’s what provides its interesting 1v1’s and 2v2’s. Mostoma is an aesthetic map that had a lot of help from Frenchy’s when forging. It features two atriums with side paths going around them. Spawning has been an issue during game play due to the maps small size. Right now it is only set up for slayer. Power Weapons Camo Powerup Spiker Grenade Launcher Main Atrium Camo Atrium Red Base (Home to Spiker) Blue Base (Home to GL) Download File Share Halo Official Site Rebirth This map is one that I built a while ago and was on of my early room based asymmetric maps. Despite my inexperience in that field of map design, it turned out very well. After quite a few tests it became some of my friends’ favorite maps. Even those who spent much less time on Reach had an ability to easily get the best of their opponent. Unfortunately the original version of this map was saved over due to a save glitch. Not to long after that I was informed of the 1v1 Smackdown contest. I knew right away what my entry was to be, so I started right away with my rebuild. Although the layout is virtually the same, the spawning most likely is not. I have not yet gotten a chance to test this version of the map, but hopefully it will be close to the original. Power Weapons Overshield Grenade Launcher Spiker Main Atrium (Facing towards GL) Main Atrium (Away from GL) Teleporter Reciever (Spiker at bottom right) Rock Area (opposite of Teleporter) Download File Share Halo Official Site Thanks for viewing, tell me what you guys think. -xDTx Kaos-
The docks map looks REALY interesting, just a little tip though instead of naming them individually in the title thread, you might as well turn it into a map pack but yeah not overly sure bout the second one but the third aswell Looks interesting
Not everything must be a map pack, Robster... Anyway these are all somewhat interesting to me, but the last is by far the most intiguing to me. This might just be the amount of time you have put in to the map, after it crashed and all, which shows some serious love. Mostoma and The Docks are certainly interesting though. Invite me to a game if you need testing, I cannot say much more on these maps from what I see here, looking good from what I can tell.
The main atrium on Mostoma looks extremely similar to neXn's Luca, same with some of the aesthetics. Speaking of aesthetics, it looks like you didn't really attempt to create your own, but instead, recycle some that have been used for awhile now.
Yeah I have tested around four maps that have a tiered atrium, and they're getting kinda old. The aesthetics look great though.
I thought the docks was paints map.. I watched him forge it, unless I'm missing something in the description that I didn't read because tldr.
No, The Docks was all me. He might have a similar map that I havent seen. Rouge and Frenchy's joined my gam early on so they can testify. Yes I know that Mostoma's aesthetics certainly aren't the most original around. These days it is kind of hard to find an original way to use pieces. The one aspect of it's looks that I personally haven't seen before is the walls of the bases. It uses the back end of two large walkways with a decorative strut in the middle. It definatley looks good, along with rest of it, even if it isn't all original. But I'll see if I can come up with some different ideas for it.
I wouldn't worry so much about originality in aesthetics though. Sure if you have time and motivation it would be nice- but what you have here looks nice already. As far as I am concerned reused aesthetics are constant and one more map with these wont bother me in the least.
Mostama looks very interesting to play. Hopefully it doesn't, like you mentioned, play really unbalanced. Is the teleporter inactive or active?
The Docks: Looks like you did a good job pulling off the theme of the map, but I can't comment on gameplay. Mostoma: Looks like an "improv" map. A map where you threw down a nice looking atrium, and just added connections. This is purely speculation, but I feel that this map is the weakest of the three from the screens. Rebirth: It makes sense why you spent the time to recreate it, the map has a very original layout, and the geometry has an abstract look. The third pic has me worried, but I feel like this is your strongest of the bunch. If I remember to check them out, I'll be back to give some actual criticism.