I have to say... It looks great. Though I'm not very good at judging gameplay, but by the video, it looked fun, the combat was constantly flowing, and balanced.
Thanks for the comment cody, I will get you a game on this asap. So you can see how the gameplay is because it has been edited since the video was made.
yeah exactly when i do the testing for my maps we will slap on some of your to the list because i have LOADS of maps to test
Yeah I have a few we can test, like some BTB maps, invasion,slayer,objective etc. I am sure we can test most of them.
damn uve been busy. this map looks really good from wat i see in the video. ur friend who recorded is rlly bad tho i know im rarely on anymore but when im bak more id love to help test out the map with u. ive also got an hd capture card and some decent editing software if u wanna do an updated video at some point. idk wat changes uve made since that video but id add some railings to areas near the edge of the map so pple dont fall off if u havent already.
Map looks quite good, judging from what you could see on the video. Although I couldn't see much because the guy you got to record it doesn't seem to want to stay alive for more than about 10 seconds.
Wow this was a blast from the past, I still need to have a game on this, bullet I reckon me, you and waterfall should organise a game date one day seeming its the summer and we can play this map