Road To Zion

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by CoookkieMonster, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Hello and welcome to Road To Zion. This is the second of three maps in a map pack I'm releasing called the Paradise Lost Map Pack, which are perhaps the last three maps I'll have time to forge in reach. This map is also a large map compatable with race and battletracks. This map is my first doublewide in reach to use no terrain at all (besides a small portion on a rock at the beginning). It has some crazy and unique scenery and it is more designed for battletracks than the other maps in the map pack. It is smooth and well made so please download it and have some fun! Here's a link to the video and some pictures:


    Starting Area/ Ending Rock Turn

    First Hill Right At the Start

    First Banked Turn

    Second Overview

    Overview Near The Ending

    Be sure to check out the video here: http://
  2. Kon3Z

    Kon3Z Promethean

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    Hey Cookie, IDK if you remember me but it's Kon3Z. Anyway, love the map, and I'm happy you're making a comeback =D. I think I've really improved my forging since you gave me a review, so if you ever got the time you should check out some of my new maps. But super great and super fun map!

  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    The second overview is freakin beautiful. Another great track with huge smooth turns, hills, and drops. I like the wrecking ball, but the rest of the aesthetics weren't all that noticeable while racing. That's really just nitpicking though, as the track itself is magnificent. I can't wait to try out Battle Snipes on it.

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