Scrutiny Map Description This map is located on the cave entrance on the edge of the beach. The cave is Gated off and that is part of the theme of the map. The theme is that a UNSC base was constructed around this Forerunner Gate and the UNSC want to get more research on how to open it and what is actually is. The map is very much asymmetrical and has 2 Ghosts to give more of an "Open" feel. This map focuses heavily on Gameplay and balance so sorry in advance for being "Gray and Dull" (I tried). But read on for the more pictures of the rest of the map. Weapon/Vehicle List (8) DMRs (2) Assault Rifles (5) Needle Rifles (2) Needlers (1) Rocket Launcher (2) Sniper Rifles (1) Shotgun (2) Plasma Pistol (2) Plasma Repeaters (2) Plasma Grenades (2) Frag Grenades (2) Ghosts Red Base Red Sniper Red Ghost Blue Base Blue Sniper Blue Ghost Rocket Spawn Map Overview Action Shots!
The map to me has too much gray. It seems that all you used was coliseum walls and a few block 3x3s. The blue base is also just wall coliseums and a few 1x1 tall and thins. Try adding some color
I tried to work a lot on gameplay and frankly I couldn't see how i would be able to put more color into this.
People, hes a newcomer here. I think the last thing you need to be talking to him about is aesthetics. Gameplay and framerate comes first. Both of which, look to be great (well those 3x3's worry me). IDK yet Ill have to give this a download, but it seems really fun based on the pics
Actually I'm not a newcomer (New Account). My map making style is making sure the game plays well and at least has a theme. I have a theme and the way i wanted it to look made me use a lot of Colosseum Walls (Which i didn't think too much about.) I can put pretty good aesthetics in a map. But i'd rather use time to work gameplay into the map so it plays very well and looks at least nice.
It looks like half the map is facing some natural geo, is there anyway you could show us some pics of rock side? Otherwise I'm only facing one side of your map and can't get a complete comprehension. Welcome to FH
Let Me put in a description of the place aswell as a pic of the cave/gate. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I put the Thumbnail picture at the start. That gives a bigger picture of the gate and cave rock surrounding the side of this map [br][/br]Edited by merge: But I'll see what i can do
I'm not saying you have to remove the coliseum walls, but try to add colorful pieces in places such as the wall by blue base. I think it would be a nice touch as the map has good gameplay.