BASQUOIS Hi I made this map some time ago but I could'nt decide when to release it so why not today. The map is Asymmetrical and features a host of power weapons, However long spawn times and low ammo means that they don't dominate the map. OVERVIEW This pic is an overview of the map with the roof removed to give an idea on the overall layout. CENTRE These pic's show the centre of the map which i call the pagoda. The sword is only there in FFA as it is to overpowering in team slayer. GARDEN These pic's show the garden area, it contains the rocket launcher and access to the side of red and blue base, aswell as to the centre. RED BASE This pic is of the red base, they spawn with access to a needler and grenade launcher. BLUE BASE This pic shows the blue base, they spawn on the sniper and have medium access the rocket and shotgun. EXTRA PIC'S ======================================================= ======================================================= ======================================================= ======================================================= ======================================================= ======================================================= WEAPONS LIST NORMAL WEAPONS: DMR x 3 Needle Rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 1 SEMI-POWER WEAPONS: Needler x 1 Spiker x 1 POWER WEAPONS Rocket x 1 (2 shot only and 3min respawn) Sniper x 1 (1 clip only) Grenade Launcher x 1 Shotgun x 1 Energy Sword x 1 (only in FFA) MISC. Health Station x 7 Plasma Grenades x 4 Frag Grenades x 4 P.S. the grenades are very generously spread-out so dont worry
Some pictures of "the rocks" would be good. A overview INSIDE the map would be good. Also you got the blue and red base pictures messed up. Still the layout looks nice and so do the bases. I would consider increasing the max players to 10. Also increase the minimum to 4. because I don't think you could play 1v1 on this. I'll give this a dl.
ok no problem i will upload one soon. the centre picture shows the most about the map so i didnt bother with an inside overview. yeah ok i will change the player count but 1v1 is possible just boring, and the bases are not color co-ordinated thats for the positive comments though
It is good that you showed where the DMRS, needlers and health station are located. It looks like a cool and interesting map.
This looks very interesting. The map has a unique style, and an interesting choice of location. I'm gonna check it out and get a game or two on it.
I like the looks of this map. Lots of nice aesthetics and good object choice. I like the idea of multiple power weapons with limited ammo to make players have choices when deciding where to move on a map, therefore spreading the gameplay and keeping it from getting boring. Nice
thanks for the good comments. i hoped the maps style would be liked as its very unique and a bit crazy i hope everyone found the overview pic helpful also. to Psychoduck: yes the location was chosen for the water mostly, and the land part just linked up with the map perfectly. i hope you enjoy the games on the map.
Now that I've seen more pictures, this map looks beautiful. If gameplay and spawns are ok, this could go in MM. Just need to test!