
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by 00DirtyMick00, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    this is a small 1v1 map i just finished, the map plays pretty well, i called it oreo because the design looping around the main balcony looks sorta like the cookie. the main idea behind this map was to make a wrap around balcony at the back half of a map, and i hate seeing 1x4 blocks used as struts because of the stupid looking blue glass on half the forge objects, so i found sorta a way around it by using satellite pieces and covering the glass with glass sails. the back wall with the grid poking up just over the brace pieces looks sick on this map the lighting is really great on it, but i totally can't take credit for that design, i straight up stole that idea from THFE, it still looks cool though. But yeah, that's about it, download it and gimmie some feedback, thanks :)

    oh p.s. i suck balls at video games, so don't expect some stellar gameplay outta me.

    1 sniper rifle at lower platform of map
    1 shotgun at bottom lower room of the map
    2 dmr's my grav lifts and staircase
    4 sticky nades 2 on each side of the stairs by balcony
    1 plasma pistol at top of the map on the balcony

    oodirtymickoo - Oreo - YouTube
    #1 00DirtyMick00, Jul 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2012
  2. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It's not often that I am impressed by the work of a newcomer but this map looks great.the aesthetics are great only thing I gotta say is this looks more like a 2v2 map then a 1v1
  3. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    He map does look amazing. However my concern is that the top levels would be too overpowering. There are almost no structures in the center of the map, and that gives the top player a huge advantage over another on the bottom. I haven't had a game on it yet so I don't know for sure but it is my concern
  4. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    He map does look amazing. However my concern is that the top levels would be too overpowering. There are almost no structures in the center of the map, and that gives the top player a huge advantage over another on the bottom. I haven't had a game on it yet so I don't know for sure but it is my concern
  5. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map does look amazing. However my concern is that the top levels would be too overpowering. There are almost no structures in the center of the map, and that gives the top player a huge advantage over another on the bottom. I haven't had a game on it yet so I don't know for sure but it is my concern
  6. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    I think it would work alot better as a 2v2 map.
  7. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    Ive never tested it on 2v2s but i definitely will, thanks for the feedback!
    #7 00DirtyMick00, Jul 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
  8. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map, in short, is excellent. The layout is simple and thus fairly easy to grasp. Each area of the map flows together well. Even more impressive is the fact that every different part of the map has its own slightly unique architecture – it should be easy to tell where you are as soon as you spawn. The lighting has decent variation (it's not all the same gray). I also commend you for not falling victim to the trap of placing far too many weapons. You weapon selection seems appropriate.

    I agree with what has been brought up regarding 2v2. I feel like this map would play quite well with 2v2 because of the even balance, and, although the map size is somewhat small, I think there is enough space to suffice for 2v2. Really, 2v2 probably would work about equally as well as 1v1.

    I actually like the balance of power in the map. While the top does have power, it does not have absolute control. Cover is diffused fairly well. The top balcony reminds me a bit of Ivory Tower (Reflection). Ultimately, in gameplay you are only a short distance from shelter no matter where you are, and that balances out the battle of top versus bottom.

    Personally, I prefer seeing a few pictures of maps. You don't need to post any, but even just one overview shot would be tremendously helpful to get a vision of the entire map all at once. Nonetheless, your video gives an alright depiction.

    In conclusion, Oreo is a superb map. I hope to see more top-notch works from you in the future!

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