This is a great job, I could tell it was my kinda map from the first few pics. wouldnt be surprised if it takes FHF 37. Keep the maps coming.
Actually, this will be my last map ever I've decided. It appears there are certain individuals high up that have a strong dislike of me as a person. I had learned this when Select was removed from MM, but it was made even more clear today when I had a chat with a certain some one... Essentially, because of my poor reputation, I will never have a shot of getting a map into MM again regardless of how good it may be... And that's what I do forge for. Not personal accolade or glory, but to bring quality maps to as many players as possible. That's the only thing that motivates me to forge. Am I a great guy? No. Am I well behaved online? Not always. But I do strive to do good for the forge community, and generally have good intentions... It's just a bloody shame the powers at be have deemed this course of action to be fit. :/
Oh... well that's never nice to hear. In that case, sorry about the message that I sent you just before you went offline. There was no offence meant by it, but I guess it probably just rubbed the situation in even more.
It's disappointing that you forge only to get your maps into matchmaking, rather than forging because you love the art of map design. Salot is the exact same way. Getting maps into matchmaking does not determine the quality of them. As long as the cartographers decide what maps enter matchmaking, there will always be these little forge politics. I'm probably never going to get my maps into matchmaking, because I have freely expressed my distaste for the cartographers' ideas of what a competitive Halo map should be. I could give you quotes from them that would show you how closed minded they really are. Everybody has their way of determining if their map is quality or not, and my way is by getting a thumbs up from every forger that I respect.
It's not the personal accolade of getting my map into MM though, its a matter of making it for the enjoyment of the most people possible. I'm not satisfied with making a map just to play it a few times and move on to the next thing with every one else. I want the damn things to have a life. And I'm not too hung up on the though of the only people that ever play my creations being a handful of forgers, especially considering we can be some of the most closed minded, judgmental, arrogant cunts this side of the 'net. -Redacted- And as if getting your map past the CC's, there's even more politics involved. Now you have to be a "respectable" member of the community. You can't say stuff in forums that piss off any of these people. And if you do, Laskan or some one else from the 343i team will look into your posting history and judge whether or not your a person that deserves to have a map in MM.... Which is absolute horse **** as it works against some of the most talented forgers out there, who will most likely also be black listed for being outspoken and abrasive individuals as well. Maybe I'll keep forging... Maybe I won't. I'm pretty fresh out of ideas for Reach at the moment though... Only another 5 months till we get H4....
That's what they all seem to say Regarding your situation, I would tone down on your expectations. There's no reason to quit when 343i members have the most ridiculous bias towards you. There are 11 year old kids who suck at forging but don't make any sort of critical posts. I don't think you can compete with them. Do you want to know how many DL's my most popular map got? Not even 100. I'm pretty well outnumbered by the worst of Onslaught remakes. Just forge for the enjoyment and the experience. As for contests, there's nothing wrong with submitting maps for them; but with the wrong mindset, you'll find yourself disappointed upon losing.
It's called "burning bridges," Schnitzel. You can't say it's horse **** that people don't want to bother with you or your maps when your generally explosive, self-destructing, and overly aggressive toward just about anyone at the drop of a hat. You could be the greatest person in the world at what you do, but if you're a **** to everyone and act with a sense of entitlement and ego, it won't matter. No one will want to work with you or hear what you have to say. It's a simple matter of growing up and learning to bite the bullet when you hear things or must do something you don't like, especially if it involves your superiors or people with decision-making power.
Your maps will have a life if they are good enough. If they fall into the abyss, there's probably a reason. You need to stop adressing people indirectly. If you have a problem with someone, let it be known. You always seem to be involved in little forge drama. And you're complaining that you won't get another map into MM, when there are individuals much more deserving that never had one map installed into MM.
I love how anytime I say something that kids don't like, its alright for every one and their mother to go out of their way to **** on me and I'm not even allowed to defend myself. This double standard is sick. I'm in the drama because I speak my mind. Back with aPK when I made Select, I called him out for being a **** for hiding behind the lift all game just so he could try to claim the map was "fundamentally flawed". With DeathstarsOG and Uno I was in the drama because I apparently the only person at MLGFF that wouldn't slobber their nobs and told 'em exactly how I felt about their maps. Same thing with virtually any map. I give praise where praise is due, but I'm calling a bad map when it's there, and I ain't sugar coating it. With SaLoT, I busted his balls for telling me things to change to Select, but when I implemented the exact changes he suggested and went over with me in Forge, he cited them as reasons for the map being bad. The hell is that sort of antic? Then I busted his balls for telling me and BrollyBro all about his little "MLG Hates Cancer Patients" video he planned to release if they didn't take one of his maps. With Rorak and some of the guys here I've been back and forth about what makes a map "good" and how fickle they are with their choices. I call it out as blatant biases towards particular individuals, but you've got that in EVERY forge community. And last but not least, drama with Overdoziz... Which is funny as it only exists because I called him a ****... Which apparently caused his man hood to shrivle up and turn into a ****. Go figure. And Max, I do address people directly frequently enough as I do indirectly. But anyhow, as I said over at Blueprint, I'm done giving a **** about all of it. It's damned childish that I cared about a video game so adamantly to begin with. The drama is stupid, the people are rediculous, and I'm fed up with the antics and the cliques and everything. Taking a back seat and just playing the game from here out. Forums and all the filth they bring along disgusts me.
Schnitzel, the moment you have problems with so many people in the community I think it's a good idea to start looking at yourself instead of blaming others. Also, I removed and blocked you on XBL because I'm done listening to you acting like a dumb-ass. I said something negative about your map and all of a sudden you start calling me out for whatever reason. I'd rather not deal people like that. something something Orion something.
can't help it if the community itself engineers people into ego boosting, extreme favoritism and a boatload of ignorance, ignorance in the sense of refusal to listen and learn from people they don't know.
So now it's his fault that these forums are so short-sighted? I almost laughed at that one. Schnitzel is anything but in the wrong right now. In fact, he's one of the few people in this community that still has the balls to speak his opinion, and I respect that myself. Please say something intelligent for once instead of typing the first stupid thought that comes to your mind. And don't get defensive because of this comment. That will only prove to me that you are a child who cannot accept a simple criticism (and part of the meaningless 90% of this community). Typical immature forum bullshit. Is he really supposed to care that you removed him? You have yet to make a single meaningful contribution to anyone's map. I'm glad I removed you from my list months ago. You went from being a pretty cool guy in this community to the arrogant douche that you are now. Why don't we get back on topic now and talk about the map instead of your personal opinions towards each other? The fact that no one has come in to remove these junk posts just shows me how dead this community is now. Even the staff have seemed to stop coming here regularly. Unfortunately, this. If people would be a little more accepting about negative opinions towards them or the things that they love, humanity might actually get somewhere. Way OT: Haunted, I've been trying to learn not to miss, but it's just too damn hard! How did you figure it out?
I'm not just talking about ForgeHub. Schnitzel has had problems with people across practically all Forge communities. He has been in the right several times and I'm willing to admit that but he just acts like a dumb-ass more often than not, that's the problem. That doesn't get you anywhere. Also, I'm not sure why you think I can't take criticism, or why you bring it up at all. It has nothing to do with this. I'm sure he doesn't care that I removed him, I just wanted to explain why I did it. Maybe he'll finally understand that just calling out people all the time for whatever reasons isn't the way to go. Hell, he got his map removed from MM because this attitude, you'd think he'd get the message. And I like Orion, I think it's a solid map (although I still think the teleporter position is a bit iffy but let's not get into that.). KotH especially plays quite well on it. Not a big fan of the initial spawn though, always felt like a bit of an awkward initial firefight. Maybe you should try placing the initial spawns for KotH near the two hill positions on the side or something, would probably be a bit more balanced too.
c'mon, you know i was raging hard because i couldn't finnish you off, get you to one shot and then choke every time, and every time i'd take a step out in the open i'd be taken your sniper round to my face. though, you could try getting hand surgery on topic, i'm not fond of this map personally, mainly because of the elongation, how everything just goes up but not down and the linier lines of sight, good fun to play with king of the hill not so much anything else.
Don't think Over's point was just about these forums. He's had nearly as many difficulties with Forge Hub as Schnitzel has. All three of you (including Overdoziz) seem to undervalue the merits of living in a reasonable society. "Balls" are overrated. Speaking your mind firmly but politely takes a little more effort. Well Schnitzel brought it up, so... yes? Agreed, but that will change in four months and you know that. If the people expressing those negative opinions would learn to be less insulting in the way they say them, and also to temper their comments with many occasionally pointing out the positives as well as suggesting ways to improve the map, then we might have what is known as constructive criticism and it might be accepted a little better. Of course, some people can't take even that kind of criticism, but it has a superior track record compared to "openly calling someone's map a pile of **** made by a retarded chimp." The irony (that you may not be aware of) is that the drama between Over and Schnitzel started because Over said something negative about Schnitzel's map. Go figure. Back to Orion, I have yet to get a real game on this map, but I've run around on it in several phases of its development and find the layout and forging quite solid - not that I'd expect less from Schnitzel. The original build felt more Construct-ish to me; it has since taken on a life of its own. The fact that it supports splitscreen is impressive, since it's nearly impossible to make a straight remake of Construct that does so.
constructive feedback is feedback that is helpfull and usable, saying good things from my view isn't constructive and does nothing but boost peoples egos making them think they're good when actually they suck. also, harsh negative feedback also pushes forger more if they choose to listen simply because they want to try and prove that they're actually good, positively reinforcing doesn't make them try as hard leading to a much slower learning curve and in a lot, if not most cases from my experience, don't actually learn anything. its a necessity, deal with it.
No, you are very wrong. I could go into your map thread, and start pointing out every single thing that I see as a flaw with a negative tone. If anything that would make you ignore me, because nobody wants to take advice from a douchebag. I'm not saying you have to sugarcoat your feedback, but I've seen you defend you point of view many times on live, and it made me want to mute you. And it isn't balls, it's carelessness. It took so much balls for Schnitzel to say Orion is more deserving for a feature than Hoglaunch, right?
you did that to mean once actually, i got extremely defensive but i did actually listen and learned a lot from it, a ton more then i got from people telling me "your maps is good, but this is whats wrong" ..
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Isao, you think you can just jump in here and post a non-inflammatory comment that is on topic? We don't take kindly to your people 'round these parts.