Hello, These are some pictures I took, it would be appreciated if it was rated, i have one picture with 10 ratings and 1010 dlds! Thanks ForgeHub! ~~~PLEASE RATE!~~~ Link to Master C Reborn Link to ... Link to Halo 3 Link to F0RG3 FR0M H3LL THANK YOU!
Wow that first picture is crazy. I can never understand why you would take the time to do such a thing but I definitely respect those images for what they are... Bored crazies! The other pictures a pretty bland though, well not so much bland as not unique. Like I've seen images just like them before, but still okay non the less... Anyway, great job with that first one!
Pic one is sweet! Is it really yours? Pic 2 is hilarious! It reminds me a kid in my school...i cant really explain it =]
that first pic is probably the most intricitly made weapon art I've seen to date, thats just amazing 10/10
1. 8/10 very nice weapon placement lol. 2. 7.5/10 WTF. 3. 7.5/10 Normal epicness. 4. 6/10 Simple and not very original. Overall. 7.25/10 Interesting pictures, some were original, while others were just generic Halo pics.