Petition: CEO, YouTube: Allow third party recording tools for YouTube | Sign it. Google is trying to stop us from recording youtube videos. Stuff like Youtube-MP3 has been banned. Change their minds. For all the editors here, you know what I mean. What is a video without music? Come on, Google. We're more than halfway there. Help us out. Share it with friends. Stop the internet from being one step closer to being regulated. Stop Google.
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wait so what???? So what your saying is Google is trying to stop the ability of us taking a music video, downloading it, and cutting the video into a .mp3 format for our listening?
I don't know why you guys think this is so weird. It is technically pirating music. There are better ways of getting music though, so I won't bother.
^What ace said. Sure it's easy to just convert a video in music for just one song, but try getting a whole album. Things like YouTube to mp3 take a lot of time and there's easier ways to get music so it's not a huge deal. It's like "Oh no they're trying to stop illegal activities! How could they do such a thing?"
Seems logical, but I don't think google has a way to block the stuff I use for downloading videos and definitely not the part that converts them to mp3 format.