I was thinking of making a new Reach RPG. I've already started writing the log and we are basing it off of my Dead World map. My question to you is, would you want to play a Reach RPG? Would you prefer a game like this to a regular custom game? Just tell me your thoughts on how a Reach RPG would work to you. Previews coming up soon! Here's the gameplay guide Mad World: Gameplay Guide Contents I: Introduction II: The Classes III: Bases IV: Ground Rules V: How To VI: Illegal Activity I: Introduction Visegrad? It’s a Mad World in those parts. General Mordon - 2546 Mad World is a Reach RPG set in the 2540s, on Planet Reach. It features illegal weapons, clans, jobs, and more! Welcome to the guide book! We will go over the basics of gameplay for the RPG, the Teams, the ground rules and regulations, and the parts of town. So, let’s get started! II: The Factions Mad World consists of 8 Factions; Police, Citizen, Resistance, Taxi, Gun Dealer, Mayor, Hitman and Real Estate Salesman. The Police job is to keep the entire world in order. They usually consist of no more than 4 members. They can arrest other members of the RPG (Including the Mayor), and can do raids and gun busts. They can stop traffic by making security checkpoints, and can put places on lockdown (With the mayor’s approval). Their main rival is the Resistance. When people need assistance, they “call” 911 by joining the Police Officer party and telling the operator what is happening and where. To do this, the other players must friend at least one of the police officers. The Police Color is Blue, and the they are stationed at the Canyon and at the Island. The Citizens are the average Joes of the Game. They Roleplay, meet at buildings, and can start rebellions. They usually use Taxis to get around. They can ally with any group. The Citizen Color is Brown, and they have no base, besides the house they choose to have. They respawn in one of the two respawn locations located in Alaska and in the Canyon. The Resistance is similar to the Resistance on Brink. Create chaos for just reasons, take the cops out of order, and take the Mayor out of power. Their main goal is to steal the mayor’s hammer. Once they do that, the mayor and the cops switch sides to the resistance. The resistance color is Red, and is stationed in a base at Montana. The Taxi is self-explanatory. At Bus Stops (Marked with an Orange Antenna and a Landing Pad), Taxis pick other players up if they are waiting there. The Taxi also does the same things as citizens. The taxi color is Gold, and is stationed in the large cave. The Gun Dealer is also self-explanatory. The Gun Dealer uses a Pub as a front to trade weapons and Armor Abilities. The Gun Dealer must give permission to anyone before they take weapons. The Gun Dealer color is Pink, and is stationed at the Pub. The Mayor’s job is to rule the world. Simple. The Mayor carries a Gravity Hammer to signal leadership. If stolen, the Mayor and his Cops must switch to the Resistance. The Mayor resides in a large house on the side of a cliff near the Quarry, and is Purple. The Hitman can get contracts from any other player to kill any other player. The Hitman’s designated selling area is in the Pub. The hitman color is Orange, and is stationed at the Pub. The Real Estate Salesman is required to sell houses to other players if they wish. Any house that has a Green Lining is unoccupied, and can be sold by the Real Estate Salesman. The Real Estate Salesman also takes care of an election if the citizens vote for another mayor. The Real Estate Salesman color is Green, and is stationed at the pub. III: Bases Now that the factions have been covered, we can move to the towns and bases located in Mad World. Let’s start at the Island, where the Police Station is located. The construction site and the dam are also located at the island. On the coastline, you can find the courtyard, where the mayor can make speeches. Two bus stops are also located on opposite sides of the coastline. In Alaska, you can find a small town, that includes the Pub, one respawn place, and a couple pieces of real estate. Montana houses the Resistance Base, and bridging the two is a bridge which houses the third bus stop. The Canyon is host to the shooting range that you can find on the top level of the canyon, linked by a teleporter that goes into the small cave. Also in the canyon is three pieces of real estate. In the cave houses the Taxi Garage. IV: Rules and Regulations Let’s go over the sad part – the rules. There are a lot of rules to make when you make an RPG in Halo: Reach. Here’s the good part – there aren’t that many rules in this one! Let’s go over the list. 1. No killing people for no reason. That will just get you kicked. Roleplay, don’t kill for no reason. If you want someone dead, the cool thing to do is hiring a Hitman. 2. No stealing the Taxi’s Warthogs/Falcons. Doing so will get you arrested, and repeated offense will get you kicked. 3. Listen to the mayor/cops. He is ruler of all. If you want him out of office, assist the Resistance or hire a hitman to steal the hammer. You can also make an election ballot to get one of your fellow citizens or yourself to rule. 4. Cops: Do NOT arrest or kill people for no reason. Doing so will get you kicked out of the cop faction until the next game, and repeated offense will get you banned. See the “Illegal Activity” Chapter for more details. 5. Cops: DO NOT, AND I MEAN, DO NOT keep detained criminals in jail for more than the allotted time. Count Mississippi in your head or get a timer on your phone/computer to time how long they are in, depending on what they did. See the “Illegal Activity” Chapter for more. 6. The mayor is required to make speeches about what changes are being made every once in a while. Failure to do so will take the mayor out of office and immediately elect a new mayor from the citizen group. 7. Only the Resistance is allowed to take the hammer and use it to gain mayor/police position. Other groups can assist the Resistance, but only the Resistance is allowed to gain the throne. Upon the Resistance gaining the hammer, the police and the mayor join the Resistance and the Resistance elects a mayor, and the remaining Resistance join the Cops. Failure to switch by either team will immediately end the game/ kick the offenders. Play fair. 8. Cops: DO NOT LOOK FOR A SUSPECT FOR MORE THAN 7 MINUTES IF THEY ESCAPED YOU. DO SO, AND GET KICKED FROM BEING AN OFFICER. I think that’s about it for the rules, to be honest. Play nice, and play your role as one of the factions. V: How To This is the part where I explain basically how to play the game, and how to do things correctly to not get you arrested. If you want to call a cab, send him a message. Otherwise, wait your turn at the bus stop. Find a landing pad with an orange antenna, and wait. If you want to call the cops, go into the police station and wait for an attendant, or join their Xbox Live party. Each member of the game should have at least one of the cops as a friend on Xbox Live. If not, do so now. If that is not possible, send an invite to a private chat to one police officer so he/she can take down the information. Make space on your friend’s list, so people can call for help. After doing that, if you need help, join the police party immediately and tell them what’s wrong and where you need help at. (You can also use this function to lead the cops into an ambush. ) If you want to hire a hitman, go to the pub and ask for a contract. Give him the details about everything there is to the deal. If the hitman is not there, he is unavailable. (Send a message to make sure.) If you want to buy a house, either go to the pub or send a message to the Real Estate salesman. You must make it clear to the rest of the citizens that the house you have chosen is your house. If you want to buy weapons or armor abilites, go to the pub and ask the weapon dealer for one. He will lead you to the back so you can choose a weapon. Note: Some weapons and armor abilities are illegal to citizens. See “Illegal Activity” for more. If you are in the process of being arrested, you have one of two choices. You can either be taken in for your crimes, or resist. If you resist, you have to run away and/or shoot to make it clear you are resisting. (NOTE: YOU WILL STILL BE WANTED IF YOU RESIST AND GET KILLED. See “Illegal Activity” for more details.) If you want to be taken in, you must crouch and look down to make it clear you are surrendering. You will be taken to the jail room back at the island and have one of two choices. You can either wait out the time or commit suicide (or have someone else kill you.) You will still be wanted. If someone is trying to kill you, you can either call the cops and ask them for help, or kill the assailant. You will be charged, not the assailant, but you will not be charged as much. See “Illegal Activity” for more. If someone is trying to steal your stuff or trespass, you should call the police, and tell the trespasser to leave. If he does not leave within 7 seconds, you can kill him, but you will still be charged, but not as much. See “Illegal Activity”. If someone is trying to kill a cop, do not get involved. Instead, call the police. If someone is trying to kill someone else, do the same. VI: Illegal Activity This is what I’ve been talking about. This part is about illegal things, offenses, and what cops can arrest you for and how long. There are no Alien weapons on the game. The Shotgun, the magnum, the Assault Rifle, and the DMR are civilian weapons. The Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, and Spartan Laser are illegal. Grenades are also illegal. Sprint is the default armor ability in the game. You can buy Sprint, Hologram, Drop Shield, and Evade at the pub. Illegal armor abilities consist of: Jetpack, Active Camo, and Armor Lock. If you are caught using any of these, you can be charged with possession of an illegal substance or an illegal firearm, both 15 seconds in the brig for every count. Speeding is going at top speed for more than five seconds with any vehicle, except a Falcon. Speeding is charged with 15 seconds for every 5 seconds you speed after the first 5 seconds. Murder is killing someone without just reason, such as trespassing or attempted murder. Each count is charged with one minute in the brig. Terrorism is firing in the open at everyone, or shooting at the mayor or at vehicles. Each count is worth 30 seconds. Conspiracy is plotting an assault on the cops, on the mayor, or on a town or group of citizens, worth 30 seconds. Failure to stop at a checkpoint is, well, failing to stop at something like a checkpoint that a cop(s) have set up. Two warthogs with an opening at the middle, or a group of cops with a mongoose is a checkpoint. Cops are supposed to fire a few warning shots to let you know a checkpoint is coming up. Fail to stop, and get caught, and it’s 30 seconds in the brig for you! Attempted Murder is attempting to kill someone intentionally, especially with a firearm. Get caught, and it’s 30 seconds in jail. Manslaughter is killing someone in a vehicle accidentally. If this is done, you must stop and call the police to let them know it was an accident. They will pick you up and you will get 30 seconds. If not done, you face a minute. Murder in Self Defense is murder, except you had to defend yourself, or your property. If you kill someone in self-defense, call the police and you will get 30 seconds. Don’t call the police, and it will be treated as murder, and you get a minute. Trespassing is going on someone’s property without their consent for more than 30 seconds. If caught doing so, you shall face 30 seconds. Theft is stealing a taxi’s Warthog/Falcon or someone else’s vehicle. Do it, and face 30 seconds. Public Indecency is doing something like T-bagging someone’s dead (or alive) body, T-bagging someone’s house or vehicle, swearing uncontrollably in public, swearing at an officer, saying gibberish, and just random stupidity. Do it, and for every count you enjoy 25 seconds in the crazy-house. T-bag there. Resisting Arrest is refusing to go to jail, or running from an officer. Do it, and face 30 seconds extra if you’re caught. So, here’s the lineup of every crime, from top to bottom. Murder = One Minute + 20 more seconds for every extra count Criminal Manslaughter = One Minute Reported Manslaughter = 30 Seconds Conspiracy = 30 Seconds Terrorism = 30 Seconds Resisting Arrest = 30 Seconds Failure to stop at checkpoint = 30 Seconds Self Defense = 30 Seconds Attempted Murder = 30 Seconds for every count Trespassing = 30 seconds Theft = 30 seconds Possession of an illegal substance = 15 seconds Possession of an illegal firearm = 15 seconds for every count Speeding = 15 seconds for every 5 seconds over speed limit Public Indecency = 25 seconds for every count If a suspect escapes, cops have up to 7 minutes to find and arrest the suspect before the case goes cold, and the suspect is clear of all charges. REMEMBER: Killing yourself or being killed does NOT clear your record. You still are wanted until you do the time, or the time limit runs out to find you. Alright, that’s the guide! Word Count: 2,398 words! Hope you enjoy my latest map, Mad World! Mack, signing out!
I would be interested, but I do not understand fully how this would play out. If I saw more information that would be helpful to my decision to invest in this with you or not.
I am interested, but I wouldn't know where to start. All I know is you're gonna need some insane honor rules my friend. But if it's done right, it could be very fun.
Been done before. Sucked like hell. Honour rules are very hard to keep in place and it gets very boring after a while.
I remember hearing about that too. This is the case of if you want a rpg go play one instead of halo. Halo was not intended to be a rpg and as such any attempt to convert it to one will get boring quickly.
It was incredibly fun the last time we played. It's not your average RPG, I've worked some stuff out to make the honor rules less. I'll explain more after I work the full Word Doc out.
Hey I know a real cool dude who made a Reach RPG back then which is quite familiar with some members on Forgehub. Hes a real cool dude and im sure that he would be interested in helping you out. Here's his gamertag: TheHatofWin