so im still only on the first book, but is anyone else of the mind that jon snow might not be Ned's son, but in fact the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryan?
wood wonk - put that in spoiler tags dude major spoilers Spoiler that theory is 100% accurate. i am pretty convinced of it. there is evidence in the books to support it. lyanna's last words "promise me ned" (promise me you wont tell Robert that jon is a dragonspawn, because robert will kill him) the only other person that knew is howland reed. there is additional evidence as well that im too lazy to find also, the Three Headed Dragon, prophecied by that one asshai chick (forgot name) the 3 heads are Dany, Jon, and Aegon. think about it. what i meant about the wildfire, was not that it wasnt green. it was. and yes, it was immense Stevo... but in the book, its more than one boat that blows up. in the show, they show one boat explode and then cut to them saying "stannis' fleet is destroyed" lol i meant this- everyone is so forgiving of them because "budget" you realize they arent actually blowing up any boats. CG boats + stock footage of explosions, turn the fire green. what i was saying is that considering an amateur cg artist like me knows how to accomplish this, i am annoyed that they did not do more with it. and yea, they left out the chain, they also left of sallahdor sahn (sp?) and his fleet in the bay, etc maybe it will get better because its gonna split up to 2 seasons for book 3, but idk Spoiler i mean, are they just gonna have the red wedding anyway, but with that dumb volantene ***** instead of jeyne westerling? wtf? i adore the books but im just tired of all these alterations and im not as forgiving as some other fans can be. i also hate how they completely breezed over Brienne, who is one of my favorites they gave barely any insight into her character. in the book, when she becomes Rainbow Guard, it has meaning to her, profound meaning. no one had ever accepted her in her life before then.
i didnt think speculation needed spoiler tags, especially since im not even done with the first book. i came to that theory based on early information in the book, such as how honorable ned is and how he treats him better than most bastards would be and how he never speaks on jon's mother and how the war was started because rhaegar took lyanna away from robert and she died mysteriously. then ned's dream further convinced me, and bran's dream toward the end.
titmar- Spoiler Aegon is a fake, methinks. Once betrayed for love, once for gold, once for blood. Gold has already happened. Love and blood still to be revealed. Dhaario may end up being the treason of love, but its too early to tell. But the only "blood" Danaerys has is Rhaegar. If you're REALLY fishing for prophecies, you should definitely visit the prophecy section of The Citadel. The Citadel is a very small, and very specific portion of a VERY large network of official ASoIaF sites, sponsored by GRRM himself. I've spent hours pouring through the pages of the Wiki, read all the episode recaps/analysis, etc. Great sites.
For those who want to read up on the information concerning Jon, go to this website. It has a lot of interesting information about the possibilities of who his parents may be. Warning though, there are spoilers in it, so read at your own risk. I don't think there is any information concerning anything but the first three books, though.
ah yes, lights, i had forgotten about that!! but if thats the case, then who could the third head be? Xun, that site had some interesting info. im still convinced of the rlj theory myself. we shall see! dying to find out. Spoiler another thing i am dying to see happen: arya assassinate the **** out of everyone! what do you guys thinks going to happen with that? she's obviously going to assassinate someone important at some point, but i just think it would be so immensely badass if she just went right on down the list and did them all. and bran... hmmmmmmm... ? i was hoping he'd do something really epic, but after discussing it with my friend, i have to agree with her, and she thinks that he is going to basically become all the weirwoods and we will just be watching events happen through his eyes in that manner.
Spoiler Jon, Dany, and ??? if aegon is not the third, then who? is what i meant i already know its Jon and Dany for the first 2 heads.
Spoiler god-willing, Theon. I have absolutely nothing to back that up other than GRRM loves his redemption tales, but I think that'd be crazy epic. He's probably my favorite character.
Spoiler The guy who plays Theon in the show, Alfie Allen, is a twat. Don't know why, but I just don't like him. Ugly as a hat-full of smashed asshole, too.
That didn't really require a spoiler, lol. Alfie Allen, who plays Theon in the show, got ROBBED at critics choice awards. If he doesn't win an emmy, or at the very least get nominated, then there's no hope left in this world. He did an amazing job this season. Some of the best acting I've seen in a while.
his face is a ***** just like he is, they did a great job casting someone so hateable looking. theon is giant **** and we are supposed to hate him. they did an excellent job on him. if he does a good job being Reek also then he gets the award =P but yea, idk how he could be the 3rd head