Hoglaunch II Created by Nutduster Required Gametype: Hoglaunch Recommended Players: 2-16 I'm sure you're all wondering what your friendly neighborhood moderator is doing on the front page right now. Fear not fellow friends, the red guys you do so adore have not been killed, kidnapped, or otherwise forcefully indisposed. Rather than answering this perplexing question myself though, I'll let our good chum Reflex Ion provide the reasoning behind this madness. So, my friends, those inspirational words are what have brought me here today, and I plan on following them to the tee. Hoglaunch II is a minigame where you launch warthogs using various explosives across an ocean vista, gaining more points for more distance, while being pelted by gauss turret shells from the opposing team. On the attacking side, players find themselves constantly running around and preparing for well-planned launches and strategies. Fusion coils are rolling around, people are getting in warthogs for extra points and extra hilarity, plasma grenades are being thrown, rockets are being shot, etc. etc. While this kerfuffle is happening on the attackers' side, the defenders just sit back in their gauss turrets, enjoying a frosty drink complimented by the warm ocean breeze, while the sound of the gentle waves slowly sends them to - what the flip am I saying. You get the point. Now I bet I know what you're thinking. Yeah, you, in the back. I see your expression. You're wondering why this game, of all games, is deserving of a feature. Well, it's simple really! *Whips out sweet metaphor powers* This map is a lot like talking to women. Before the interaction ever starts, you're already thinking of things to say and how to say them, to help make sure that there's no chance of a goof-up or other humiliation. If you're experienced in this mysterious art, otherwise known as being a flopping baller, you can whip out your usual practiced tricks and dazzle them every time. And if you're completely hopeless, like myself about 25% of the time, you can totally over-think the thing and have the conversation blow up in your face. That about sums up why this map deserves its feature, I think. Male flirtation. *Puts away sweet metaphor powers* Download Hoglaunch II You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Epic. I never got the chance to play Hoglaunch 2, but the original was amazing, one of the few mini-games I can play continuously without getting bored. Honestly I can't think of a better mini-game feature. Congratz Nut, you certainly know how to make Halo fun, competitive or otherwise.
Many congratulations, Nutduster. Hoglaunch is possibly the peak of accessible and fun minigames that anyone can pick up and play for hours in the hog-launching hilarity bound to follow when you pile up explosives to go for a short flight in your reliable ground vehicle.
This is worth a feature? Seriously? Looks like a silly little game some one could have put together in an hour.
We here at Forgehub feature every type of map, not just competitive. I have no idea how long this took Nutduster (though I'm fairly certain it was well over an hour) but even if it did take him an hour, that's irrelevant. This is clearly a mini game that stands out from the rest.
Thanks for the feature, I had to be told by a friend that this happened. You guys are awesome. I can understand that reaction, truly - but this actually took quite a bit longer than that. The original Hoglaunch was built in the canyon, then rebuilt twice in different areas, and tested/tweaked over a period of a couple months. Hoglaunch II was a little easier since I'd already put all the work into the first one, but it still took a few hours to build and a couple of weeks to test. Overall though, there's a lot more going on here than might at first appear to be the case. Getting the scoring zones the way I wanted them, setting up kill zones and getting the warthogs to respawn in a timely manner, etc. - all a bit more work than I would have preferred. Because I'm lazy, yo. Fundamentally though, this is a concept game more than some amazing new mechanism like Armor Walkers (which is pure genius). The concept is that making vehicles fly, preferably while you're sitting in them, is hilarious.
As much as I love you, Nut, this was not an enjoyable mini-game, in my opinion. God knows I hate mini-games as it is, but this...Arrg.
Coming from the guy who has a vendetta against custom games in general, and didn't even give the game a real chance. ;D
Well, I love the game and I love Nutty here... But I can't help but feel that this isn't all that deserving of a feature. Nutty has half a dozen works better than this... And of course I disagree with this feature because I of course feel jaded by the system here, having never received a feature yet despite the fact that I am one of the better established forgers in the greater forge community. Seriously, who the **** do I have to blow to get a feature? Stevo is a ****ing Artisan for **** sake. Think about it for a damned minute.
Not trying to start an argument, but you need to act less hateful to Forgehub as a whole if you really want your map(s) to be featured. It's the same reason why you can't get any more of your maps into MM.
That's only true in part. We're not going to feature a map from someone that's been banned, but that's really the only restriction. Features are earned. They're not privileges, despite what you may think. Truth is, we haven't found your creations feature-worthy, Schnitzel. Make one that is and we'll feature it.
I just didn't find stacking explosives to be entertaining. I gave it a shot for about 10 minutes (Maybe less) then I got bored extremely fast. Not everyone will like it. It just wasn't for me, sorry.
Understandable, I was kidding anyways. No ban-hammer necessary, I'm moving the conversation to PMs. I've made 4v4s in the past, and even though other people enjoyed them, I just wasn't happy with em. Now, I've deleted the spam posts from here in an attempt to keep this thread from being derailed. Let's stay on topic.
I think too often people get misguided in the decision of a featured map. The bottom-line, and truly only rule that should apply, is whether the map is fun or not. I'm taking a more neutral role in this by saying who is really there to decide in the end whether Snitz's maps aren't up to par? And the reverse.. who is he to decide that this map isn't up to standards? The whole point of featured maps in the beginning of forgehub was to show the community something truly artistic and inventive that someone in the community has created. Why get caught up in the details of whether there are too many fusion coils.. or the split-screen lag is too heavy? Christ.. some community this is if people can't even be accepting of someone else' work. Also, sorry to Nutduster for going off topic on his feature thread. I am a lover of minigames though and I'm sure this does not disappoint.
Ditto. I haven't played it yet but I love it when something that isn't competitive pops up on the front page. Building upon that, people seem to complain a lot that there are too many competitive maps featured and too many fun casual/mini games overlooked. Well here you go. Honestly, it just goes to show that people will find something to complain about even when you give them what they want...
First of all, Congrats Nutduster. I'm not a mini game guy, but this is the type of mini game that is hard not to enjoy. @Saltine: Everybody has a different vision in their head when they think feature. I don't think primarily about fun. I believe fun comes with a well designed map. That's what I see a feature as: A map that has a professional design where every location has it's purpose, and excels in every field: balance, flow, etc.
In the end, its just a feature on a website for maps you built in a video game. I dont see how somebody can get so worked up over it. I played this several times a few nights ago and I thought it was pretty cool. I am not a mini game fan at all but I had fun on it. Playing from both sides but I prefered doing the launching. Good job and gratz on the feature, just know some people will be cool with it and show support bro.
Yeah, after playing Hoglaunch 2 in comparison to the original I have to say I preferred the side by side competition of Hoglaunch 1, though both are still a lot of fun as long as no one is pre-maturely shooting your explosives and knocking over the gauss Hogs (some booting was done.) All in all, still quite a good job.
Yeah, I tried to make the game as grief-proof as possible (it should be difficult or near-impossible for the offense and defense to interfere with one another, for instance). But ultimately people can still screw things up if they're on your own team and just don't feel like cooperating. Personally I think the most fun to be had in both versions of the game is setting up giant explosions that send the hogs flying for miles - I don't really get why anybody would do anything else, unless they just like pissing people off or are bored 12-year-olds.