
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Benji, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Whirlpool is a small, symmetric, enclosed slayer map located above the water in Forge world. It works best in small teams (2v2 or 3v3), but 1v1 and 4v4 work as well, however the action will be a bit slow or a tad overwhelming, respectively. FFA works with 3 or 4 players, but any more stresses the spawns.

    Weapons List
    • DMR x4
    • Needler x2
    • Needle Rifle x2
    • Rocket Launcher x1
    • Sniper Rifle x1
    • Sticky Grenade x2

    The Sniper Rifle Spawns in the middle of the river in the picture above. The Rocket Launcher spawns in the glass hallway above.

    Another look at the river

    A look at the glass hallway

    The blue spawn

    A view toward the teleporter from the spawn.

    The hallway between the teleporter and the glass hallway

    The teleporters lead upstairs to the top floor.

    Another view

    And here's an overview of the whole map(no roof)

    Action Shots

  2. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    ^Hey dat's me!

    Anyways, the way the weapons on this map is set up really helps improve game flow, such as the rocket in the glass hallway. The aethsetics are also really good. I'm not sure if you can, but are you able to improve aesthetics in the top floor buildings as they look pretty gray IMO. You still need to do some little tweaks with the spawn system too.

    However, I could tell you put a ton of effort in this map and can tell that the map has a ton of replay value as every time I tested it, I enjoyed it greatly.

    I would recommend this to anyone looking for an awesome 2v2, 3v3 map.
    #2 FrozenGoathead, Jun 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Thanks for all the help man! and yeah, the top level does seem pretty grey compared to the rest of the map, but that is magnified for the color in the rest of the map, but I see where you're coming from. And what suggestions do you have for the spawns? I never had any problems.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    From what I could see in the pics it looks good.not much to say without actually playing it.as said above the top with the bunkers looks bad.i like the overall looks.how is the framerate?
  5. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I still sense much weight in the respawn system on the top floor. Once I think about it, I think that it may have increased game play so you could leave it as it is.
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    There are no framerate issues on the map.

    yeah, I'm inclined to leave it as is.

    And thanks for everyone who downloaded to make this my most downloaded map ever! Currently sitting at 362!
  7. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    In regards to Dive, your 1v1 variant, it was nice. The layout was a tad confusing at first, but I figured it out pretty quickly. I had difficulty forming a solid image of the various areas in relation to one another, however. Some windows (or maybe even dropdowns) between the floors would probably help in that respect. I'm still not sure what area was above/below/next to what lol
    It's the curved ramps and the wide layout. It's disorienting. Not horribly, but enough to make me feel a little lost at times.
    As far as weapons go, the snipers played okay, but the rockets were a bit much lol
    Have you considered going neutral snipe 0-clip with grenade launchers where the snipers were maybe 90s/1-clip or something like that? As it stands it feels like there are too many power weapons. DMRs see reduced use, and snipers seem to be everywhere. I had a sniper often enough that, if I could hit anything with it , I could have been quite dangerous.
    Oh, and the soft kill teleporter ledges looked rough, and nobody likes a soft kill in a play space. A little extra structure could make the soft kills unnecessary and open up those ledges to more versatile game play.
    The spawning seemed static, but that might just have been a lack of spawn influencers. I wouldn't have minded spawning elsewhere though, if you do have spawn zones you could pull. It got a little repetitive.
    But yeah - liked the design/layout, the aesthetics/theme, and the size - although it is big, it feels smaller with the contest settings. Nice map, and good game :)

    (I posted here because this seemed the most appropriate thread.)
  8. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I also felt the disoriented a tad bit. Not too much though so don'tsweat about it that much although that may have been because I tested this many times. I like the upstairs way more than before although it seems a bit lacking. Maybe small aesthetic covers?

    I may have liked 2v2/3v3 map varient more, but Dive worked very good for 1v1 when it came to flow.
  9. RhymeSlayer

    RhymeSlayer Promethean
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    so... after a quick walkthough of the map. I definately like the asthetics. i like the flow of the bottom level, but the top level looks like less effort was put there than the rest of the map. I cant imagine any real reason I would go up to that level except to escape the heat surrounding the power weapons.

    My other issue is I can not stand the lighting FX. On any map, for any reason. not just this. but that is just a personal bias. I imagine that the map would be very fun, but I feel the top is lacking something. It might also be because I hate the prefab buildings.
  10. I YY Too Much

    I YY Too Much Promethean

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    Why can I not download this and every other map?
  11. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Honestly seeing this map in your sig, the sig picture made me think this map was a joke, just cause usual water and windows. After taking the time to click the map, it really does look pretty fun , and I take back second thoughts on that bridge. Looks really cool, I might download to get a game on .
  12. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Trust me, If there were power weapons up top, No one would ever leave, that's how I had it originally. And I agree about the lack of aesthetics up top, in the 1v1 version I'm working on, It's completely redone.

    Did you make sure you're signed in? Do you have an Xbox with a hard drive?

    Hahaha it's definitely not a joke. and yeah, make sure to check it out.

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