How would you react?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FM and the BB, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    Hey guys it's FM and the BB!

    Today I got a new subject. How would you react?!

    The idea for this is to post a weird scenario that if it happened to you you would get a crazy, weird, excited, whatever type of reaction that's abnormal, and at the end of the post write, How would you react?!

    I'll post the first one and just respond on how you would react, or how you think you would react. You can just reply, put in your own scenario, or both if you want!

    What would you do if you were walking in the mall and a random stranger came up to and handed you a briefcase, then he said, "You know what to do." How would you react?!
    #1 FM and the BB, Jul 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So, we have to reply to your scenario, and then post a new one. Or are you also allowed to just reply, or to just post a new one? It's still a little confusing.

    Either way,

    I would probably look around to find the hidden camera, since I have nothing to do with anything related to the mafia. :p And call that sir to give him back his case and telling him he's mistaking.
    Or I might open the case, but I think I would be too courteous to do that. Even if I would be convinced that there was a hidden camera. Or maybe, especially if I would be convinced that there was a hidden camera.

    What would you do if you saw a shabby man laying in the gutter of the street, who then gets up and starts to ask someone in front of you for money in a really obstrusive way, until things even seem to get out of hand? How would you react?!
  3. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    I like it, and I also clarified on the rules a bit more in the third paragraph.

    To answer your scenario, I would probably drive up to him, burn a dollar in front of his face and then, slap him in the face. Unless he was holding a weapon, in that case I would Yell rape so he gets confused along with the other guy. Then I would run up to the guy being harassed and grab him and tell him to run!

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