You should expand your pic of the GL, I can't seem to place it on the map. And where is the water for your sewer?
And here we have, yet again, the generic two base two tower Onslaught clone! Love how this is always to first design some one makes when they think of MLG... :/
These map layouts are focused on team shooting, call outs and quick gameplay, which is what MLG is. Of course its gonna be the first think that pops into mind. As for this map, i feel that you went a little overboard on the rocks. It takes away from the variety of the map. My suggestion (although it would change the flow of gameplay so it would most likely be a different version) is extend the middle bridge out so its in the shape of a rectangle or something, so you have an extra little "atrium" in the middle. It would cover that dead space that you threw rocks over and add some more strategic ways of moving around. Right now i dont see how anyone in their right mind would go by the rocks. You do not have to consider any of this, its just what i would do. Other than that, it looks good. i like how you made the bridge connect the bases instead of divide the bases. Good job Mad Shark Bite EDIT: I found the water
Very good looking map this. My only concern is, as GetRdy2Fall mentioned, you went a bit overboard with the rocks and they don't look that natural either. But overall it looks very good and I love they way you connected the bases instead of having them opposite each other.
I'm going to be brutally honest, because I feel that it is better than ignoring the opportunity to help someone. You are clearly a new forger, because you are going through the process that every MLG map forger went through, labeled: the Onslaught remake. The reason for this is because you have seen this format work, so you choose to alter it in some way and make it your own. But you will learn that even a map a simplistic as Midship/Onslaght can go wrong with poor design. The bases and the sides are all the same height, which means that the bases have the same power value, which means that there is little to no incentive to move from the bases. The bridge connecting the bases is not a unique idea. There is a reason it hasn't been done. That bridge renders the rest of the map useless. The rocks are cconsidered lazy cover, even on Sanctary. If you have a wide open area, you need to block line of sight with a functional structure. Even though it seems to be the only layout style that MLG is attracted to, remember that there are many different layout styles that support competitive gameplay. You do NOT NEED TWO BASES. @Schnitzel: What was your first MLG map? The defense rests.
Not really. You need to think about balance and player flow on this map. No matter how many rocks you have in the grass, it serves no purpose to the map, and is basically a deathtrap with lazy cover littered upon it. The most helpful feedback I can give you to help you improve as fast as possible, is to draw inspiration from other maps. The sooner you get off this cursed two base, two side layout, the better. There are lots of great competitive maps on and off of Halo that you could draw inspiration from. To avoid confusion, I will use a map from Halo 3 that you should be familiar with: Citadel. Citadel is a great example of a fast paced arena map that does not have two standard bases. It has lines of site that encourage team shooting and map control, and it has good separation that enables safe spawning and strategic flanking. tl;dr: Take inspiration from maps that do not have two standard bases.