In VIP, you can make him stay in one place for like a healing room or something? Like trapping him in a box for his teammates to go there and heal themselves. Assuming that there is no health regeneration. To make no camping around the VIP, make grav lifts push them away and the only time to get back some health is to destroy the gravlift and you have 10 seconds to heal before it pushes you back again. Good idea?
I don't think it's a good idea. Basically you are turning a player into a Regenerater. No one wants to be stuck in a little room for the whole game.
Well... how about you dont trap him, but make him able to heal... I dont know how you would do this though unless you use regenerators. -Donuts
You can turn on VIP proximity traits in the custom game menu that will give different attributes to players who get close to their own VIP. In this case, turn off shield recharge in base player traits and turn on shield recharge in VIP proximity traits.
if you really wanted to trap him you could put him in a huge room. and give him the ability to see the whole map with a sniper or something. ???
I have already tried a gametype like this, but it does not work. Besides AZN is already working on squads wich is VIP based and similar to this.
I had no idea you could do this! I am getting a few ideas from this. You could make weapon damage really low and have an eliminiation game of some sort that makes them have to use their VIP to help heal. This is giving me some really good ideas -Donuts
Yeah. There are a lot of gametypes and features that are not widely used or known yet. Use your imaginations!
OMG I have already tried this as a commander gametyep it is not that fun! I had the VIP move slow and deal low damage while being a walking regen. THe footsoldiers had 500% damage resistence and poor radar. The VIP had a sniper and advanced radar to see the enemy and act as a scout. So, I have tried this gametype and it doesn't work b/c nobody likes it, so don't waste your time b/c nobody is going to want to play it. AZN and BTSP are making a squads map, so don't do that either b/c they can probly make a map and gametype better than you can!
Everything is possible! Including this, I don't know if it's a good idea though, because it probably wouldn't be very fun to play as the VIP.
Although the healing is a great idea, it couldn't possibly be any fun to remain stationary for the entire game. Keep the healing idea, and try to find another way to force team members to run back to their VIP. =)
Okay last time I will say this I have already done something to this effect, namely commander, and it is not fun. So don't waste your time!
It's awfully unfair to tell someone to not try something based off of your personal opinions. Just ask the Wright brothers. If he wants to try it out, warn him that you think it's not fun, but don't try to force your opinion. He might surprise us all (me included, hah) and create a really fun map!
Actually i was wondering the same thing myself, but for a different reason. What i wanted to do was create a soccer game variant that kept score by causing a VIP trapped in a room to die when a score was made. Once the soccer ball enters the net, it causes a chain reaction of explosions to kill the trapped VIP. Only the ball could cause the death of the VIP, so nobody could cheat and get points just by shooting him. The VIP could still act as goalie keeping the ball away from the net, in a last ditch effort of self-preservation when the ball got too close. That way the VIP wasn't just playing a wait-to-die game, and quit out of boredom. I had a mock-up already built, but then discovered that i couldn't force the VIP to spawn in a specific area to make this work. I then deleted it to make way for other maps. If someone could find a way to make this work, i would love to try it again.
You can't place VIP spawns but this honor free based soccer game is very creative in trying to tackle a unique problem. I have a suggestion, have the respawns for both teams in the area where the goalie will be. Make it so that the VIP will be the same person the entire round. Put the VIP on high grav and suspend a teleporter where he can't reach it but the soccer players can. Make it round based so that one score ends the round to give people the oppurtunity to be VIP. Send me a message over Xblive, I would love to help you tackle this unique problem.
Thanks, Rusty Eagle, that is essentially the same concept (although different in practice) as i had already designed. It would have been perfect if it weren't for that blasted VIP spawn limitation. It was the only way i could think of to make a self-scoring soccer game. However, it seems to be human nature to cheat or break the system; and, you occasionally run into griefers who do this just to ruin everyone else's fun (especially when they start losing). So i was trying to avoid any honor-rule game play elements. If you think i should go ahead and remake it for honor-rules game play i would be glad to do so and upload it when finished.