Recommended Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dragon Nexus, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Dragon Nexus

    Dragon Nexus Promethean

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    Hey guys. I just finished building my gaming computer, and wanted to know what games you would recommend for the PC.

    So far, I have these in mind:
    • Diablo III (Bought)
    • Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition (Soon)
    I also have Adobe Photoshop CS6, but I don't know how to work it. So, I just wanted to see what games you guys would recommend. I think I'm forgetting a game or something, can't remember.
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Team Fortress 2, Its free and amazingly fun so there's no reason not to get it.
  3. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    What he said.

    I've also started playing Tribes: Ascend (Also F2P) a little bit for a different kind of shooter, and some Starcraft II and Civilization V for some strategy. It's up to you really, but those are my couple of games right now.
  4. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Tribes: Ascend is great! It's almost like crzylzrhmmrfun if you ever played the gametype in Halo 3 with a slightly more competitive feel.
  5. Dragon Nexus

    Dragon Nexus Promethean

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    I never knew Team Fortress 2 was free. I shall have to get it then. Thanks for reminding me about Starcraft II guys! I actually have the game, but I forgot my cousin has the copy, so I might have to get that back!

    I also haven't heard of Tribes: Ascend before, I will check that out also. But thanks so far guys!
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    oblivion, morrowind, and skyrim if you havent played them. especially morrowind. for how old it is, theres still a pretty large community making mods for it. and you can get it cheap.
  7. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    If you've got SCII linked to your account on, I think you can download a virtual copy and play it without the disk...might be worth a shot.

    Oh, and Tribes was just added to Steam but has been out for a while before that. It's pretty neat; I just saw it on Steam.

    Also, Elder Scrolls games, like Wood Wonk suggests, are pretty awesome.
  8. Dragon Nexus

    Dragon Nexus Promethean

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    I have Skyrim for my 360, but I have yet to play the previous four installments. Thank you for the suggestions! I will have to try Morrowind.

    Alright, thanks. I definitely enjoyed Skyrim. Oghma Infinium and its stupid duplication cheats.
    #8 Dragon Nexus, Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2012
  9. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Skyrim is SOOOO much better on the PC. The amount of good mods is going to get overwhelming. SCII, Battlefield 3, TF2, etc... You should check out left 4 dead 2, the custom maps rock for that game. You can find them here:Free Maps & Mods for Left 4 Dead and L4D2! -
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I could never figure out how to use the custom content on L4D2.
  11. Dragon Nexus

    Dragon Nexus Promethean

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    Yes, I was thinking about L4D2, but I have all the games on xbox, but I heard Skyrim was better on PC. Battlefield 3 is a good suggestion. Definitely going to try TF2 however. Is the L4D Series better on PC aswell? And what about Dead Island any suggestions on that?
  12. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    L4D is only as good as the people you play it with. if you have friends that can play it with you on xbox but not on pc, then its better on xbox.

    i usually just play single player games on pc, and multiplayer on xbox because i have friends on xbox that i can play with. also i prefer the controls of shooters with a controller instead of mouse and keyboard. the only multiplayer i play on PC are TF2 and starcraft 2. ive played tribes but i suck at it.
  13. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Can't believe it hasn't been said yet...

    EVERYTHING is better on PC
  14. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    I actually kind of agree with him on this one... Better FPS, easy modding capabilities, larger user base usually... and you cans still use a controller if you wish... and xbox 360 controller even.

    Oh and by the way, Skyrim.
  15. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    only if you have no friends. or if you for some reason have friends that all play pc games, but that usually is not the case. yes, almost all single player games are better on pc, but the social aspect of xbox makes many games infinitely more enjoyable.

    Edited by merge:

    oh and **** skyrim. morrowind is like the baldur's gate 2 of the first person RPG. skyrim pales in comparison.
    #15 Wood Wonk, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  16. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Psychonauts, Day of the Tentacle, Worms World Party, and if you don't have a 360 for some reason, Bioshock, Fallout 3.
  17. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I have no idea where you're getting this logic from...
    There are more PC Gamers than Console Gamers out there.
    It's more affordable to be a PC Gamer than a Console Gamer.
    There are more games on PC than any other Platform.

    You can do literally everything you do on Xbox on PC.

    Also, the 'social aspect' of games can't make the replay value of a game (practically) infinite. Modding capability, however, usually can. And a large majority of PC Games have mods developed for them one way or another.

    Also, the Social Aspect of Gaming is just as alive on PC as it is on Console. This site is a perfect example, actually. What are you using to access it? Your computer... Does that mean that communities for PC games can't also creep up?

    I by no means am saying that Console Gaming is bad. I quite enjoy it! I love my Xbox, and that's the reason I own so many games on it. But PC Gaming simply is better.

    Doesn't mean that it isn't a great ****ing game and that he shouldn't get it. As stated earlier in the thread, Morrowind is really cheap.

    Anyway, thread kinda got derailed. Some great PC Games you should look into are Any and all of the Counter Strike games, Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Great Horror Game), ARMA 2: Combined Operations (For the DayZ Mod which actually is worth the $30 even if you don't play normal ARMA 2), Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac (It's pretty cryptic, but addicting), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Another awesome RPG), Any and all of the Half-Life games, Both of the Portal Games, Terraria, and you should also definitely look into buying Halo: Combat Evolved for PC (To play Halo: Custom Edition) and getting Halo 2: Vista.

    EDIT: Oh, and Minecraft. The multiplayer on Minecraft never seems to get old to me.
    #17 stickmanmeyhem, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    im talking about games that meant to be played with friends, like L4D or borderlands. and most people have much more friends that play console games than pc, at least in my experience. playing either of those games with nobody or random people isnt even half as fun as it is when you play with people you know.
    even minecraft, which of course is far superior on pc with mods and texture packs and everything. but i got back in alpha when it was free, and it was getting pretty stale for me. but once it came out on xbox and a couple of my friends got it, i was having tons of fun playing with them.
    and no, theres no way there are more PC gamers than console. "Over the three platforms, 59 percent of Skyrim copies were sold for the Xbox 360, 27 percent for the PS3 and 14 percent for PC." also:

    Platform Sales for MW3
    Platform| Sales
    XBOX 360 | 54%
    PS3 | 42%
    PC & Wii | 4%

    yes, single player games are great on PC, but i would still recommend keeping most multiplayer games to xbox if all of your friends play xbox.
    #18 Wood Wonk, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  19. LD

    LD Ancient
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    ... and with that, we are getting back to topic. Any other comments will get deleted, infracted and so on ..

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