Hello my friends. Today I bring you a creation that has taken me about 3 weeks to complete. This is also my submission to 343's 5v5 objective contest. Behemoth is a larger map that supports party sizes from 8 to 16, but is based on 10. As for objectives, Behemoth supports CTF, Assault, Team Slayer, and Stockpile. A quick summary of Behemoth's creation: Spoiler Behemoth started off as a co-forge between Fenchys and I. After forging for about 20 minutes or so, we decided to part ways and work on what we had for ourselves. Frenchys' turned out COMPLETELY different. It's still pretty awesome. Like, srsly. I started building out, creating a basic symmetric layout. Once I had the main construct in place, I called in a good pal of mine by the name of Psycho Duck (Pchyso Dukc). He was a massive help in the earlier and later stages of Behemoth. At first, he built a basic platform (which the aesthetics were kind of taken from Erupt, apparently) as a neutral "base" on each side. Then comes my good friend Redemption; helping me eliminate the bastardous framerate. Eventually, I destroyed Ducky's platforms to create an actual base for neutral spawns. That about wraps up my little speil. Thanks for watching. Weapons and Vehicles: DMR: 8 Sniper Rifle: 2 Grenade Launcher: 2 Needler: 2 Plasma Pistol: 2 Plasma Repeater:2 Plasma Grenade: 4 Frag Grenade: 4 Warthog: 2 Screenshots: ^Overview^ ^Blue Spawn^ ^Red Spawn^ ^Center Structure^ ^One of the neutral bases^ ^Rear view of blue base^ ^Front/Side view of Red base^ ^Overview of Red^ ^Overview center^ ^Overview of Blue^ Action Shots: Spoiler Thanks to: Psycho Duck Redemption RoboArtist Frenchys Nooooooch And everyone who tested and gave feedback If I forgot anyone, just kick me in the head or something.
These screenshots show that you made some changes from from your original submission to the objective contest. At first I was getting suspicious because with the covenant crate design by the back of each base (I guess in the original version), along with the bridge to the platform design, that your map was taking inspirations from Noooochs map Megalith. But you changed that and probably for the better.
When we were looking through the other submissions we were glad to see that there were other maps such as this which were at least playable. Nice to see another map that supports vehicular combat
I really like the look of this one. It's got a nice and continuous theme throughout, which some forgers forget to do sometimes. The structures themselves also look pretty original too. It's almost like this map should be assymetric just by looking at it, which is great because I enjoy Multi-Flag over 1-Flag any day. Great job on this, I'll go take a look in forge to check it out even more.
I really Like the changes to the map. Before, The sniper rifle spawn was too easily accessible and had too much power over the surrounding areas. And it was way to open. But now the gameplay is pretty smooth and the spawning seems more team-friendly. I think this would go great in 5v5 objective.
Ya know what? I still wish **** was more interconnected. Ya done goofed. Still, the map is solid 9those liquid maps aren't too good), and it does feel like a Halo 3 Sandbox-style BTB map. Overall, this is certainly an improvement in your forging, and while it could have used more testing and refining (stupid contest deadlines...), it's still very solid as I said. This is certainly a fun map to play. And someone's been reading the Port Authority comments.
Thanks for all of the compliments guys! @ Pinkish Object: I had built that before ever playing Megalith, but I didn't even notice the similarities until you pointed them out. I understand you're looking out for a friend, which is something I appreciate, but I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't ripping off his ideas or anything. Great minds think alike, you know. ;p @ x black kn1ght x: I know what you mean. Some of those maps had to have been made by 9 year olds... @ Cluck:Thanks for the compliments. To me, it's the terrain that makes it feel asymmetrical. @ Thank you Roboo. <3 The sniper's new location IS pretty boss, now. :3 @ Ducky: I'm going to continue testing and tweaking until it's absolutely perfect and update this thread accordingly. I wish I had more time for the contest though. :/ As for that hole in Blue base, I fixed it. And thank you for all your help. Behemoth would not have ade it this far without you. <3
I remember seeing the circular things with the covenant crates on them and thought how they were the exact same structures as on Megalith buuuuut then I didn't care. Also I don't know PinkishObject so it's not like he was looking out for me or anything (but if you were, thanks anyway). I agree with Psychoduck. I liked how the neutral bases were connected with the rest of the map with large braces. Now they just look...well disconnected. Overall it's a neat, simple design. A little too much nat geo, though. It'd be cool if there were more contestable structures for the infantry to play on. At least the Hog has plenty of room to maneuver around.
That and the map appears to have improved considerably since we looked at it initially... Thank god for that. I was hesitant about wanting to play on it before, now I know it's at least worth a few games...
Wow It change alot from last week ! Looks more clean and better to play ! I liked alot to work around with you for 20 minutes and see how this was going . Hope we could do a real CO-FORGE together .
ok, help out a newbe. I don't have Live, is there a way to download these maps, put them on a USB and load them directly to the xbox? Cheers/