Now I dont want any comments saying I can't do a halo 4 remake and all that because the game is not out.that wrap around "remake"got a lot of hits and being myself I live a good vehicle based anyone interested in making a map based loosely on the image below? For those of you who have not been keeping up with Halo 4 news this is a new halo 4 map called longbow.anyone interested in a co-forge? Or at least an attempt at this( looks a bit difficult) Pic
I'm going to be a preacher and say you shouldn't just forge this because it will get you 'hits'. If you plan on making something inspired by this image, then I'll coforge with you. However, I don't have a mic at the moment. EDIT: Nevermind, I won't be coforging. I will help if you need it though.
Ok when will u be on? And auburn I am not going to forge it because I want "hits"I was just using that as an example to keep people from bitching that it won't be a remake.personally I don't care if my maps are popular as long as I like them.
I'll be on most of the weeken during the day. I'll send you an FR tomorrow morning. Which will probably be like 11:00 for me.
I hope, if you do attempt it that you do an "inspired" map and not try to copy it 100% that would make a good map look crappy, because of the limits we have with Halo Reach forge.
And yet all of the Wraparound "remakes" were horribly off. I'm not sure how you're going to make that mountain without it looking terrible, but good luck.
Well the problem is they tried to do an actual remake based off of 10 seconds of video.what were going for is not exactly a remake but rather something inspired by the images released on longbow. And sure frenchies you could come in and help
actually wraparound (AKA Haven) has considerable footage now that multiplayer film has been released. I feel that recreating it accurately would be within grasp.
well if you plan on recreating it, I await your map. currently the only map with enough footage and match to current forge capabilities is haven (imo), so if you are doing a remake, you should probably start there.
We started today and we are not doing a remake rather than an inspired by the released images map.mainly due to forge limitations.
ill help make an inspiration of the map, what i really wanna do is make a co forge similar to the spire have a central super high point and still manage to make a balanced map, but i dont know how...