Hey GnA some of you might know the site Halocommunity, a site created by the remnants of Halocharts, once the go-to place for Halo stats. They created a contest for skinning the BR for Halo 4, which will be skinnable in-game. I made 5 different concepts and I urge you guys to vote on the best one so I can submit it... there even is a slight chance of 343 using the skin in the final game, or at least the concept for the skin. Camo BR Forerunner-inspired BR Bloody Ice BR Nova BR Static BR (this would hopefully be animated or glowing) Anyway, thank you for your support and as always, feedback is much appreciated. Also, if you read this, please at least vote for your favorite... deadline for submissions is TODAY!!
Why is everyone saying Forerunner BR? You already have Forerunner weapons I say the bloody ice, but Nova would be my second pick ^^
Everybody is saying Forrunner because we think it looks best.its slick and simple and not too over-exxagurated.
Ya I guess it's the one with the least effects done to it and I guess people don't Like the fact that you can change it?idk I think it's cool I just think Forrunner looks best.
Thank you everyone! Forerunner it is, I guess... I thought about a red, promethean version of it, although I have no time anymore, so it'll stay blue until further notice. If anyone wants the PSD as well I can send it or upload it if anyone wants it starting tomorrow. Also, any comments/ideas on the rest of the skins?
Yeah, and also, the clean concept is unlike the original classic orange Promethean that we will see next. Basically, it was more intuitive too, we dont want neon golden guns that glow in the dark to match with the EVA helmet.... By the way, if I had to choose another option it would be the "Nova" layout, I think it wasnt extravagant compared to the other ones.
Btw does anyone know why my sig isn't showing up the right size? I did nothing to it and now it has been resized... :/
Nova or Forerunner... forerunner gives that military esque feel to it while keeping some style and nova has a great "woodsy" or camo kind of tone to it which I honestly love.
Forerunner is absolutely the best. Sleek and sexy. We just recently changed the signature rules from 500x200 to 600x140