So this map took me forever to make . I literally sat here with an atlas and copied the map of the world into the map . It is very big and precise . I made interactive features in the environment like mountains natural resources , and some historical weapons that make the game more edgy . But to actually have the most fun playing this you need to play it with a full 16 people who are actually trying to understand the map and game , which by the way , ther objective of the gametype i made is to take over the world . But the map is flexible so as long as you keep the same layout and terrain and mountains , you can mix the weapons or spawns and such up and make it your own . So here is the whole map^ Asia^ North America^ Australia^ Africa^ Europe^ South America^ This is a satelite that you can fly to ^ The sub-continent middle east where both teams start off^ Blue team's domain^ Red team's Domain^ One of the bonuses that i scattered strategically across the map^ Used the rocks as terrain and mountains , Mt.Everest^ In addition to capturing continents you can also capture cities , Moscow^ So please rate my map 1-10 on awsomeness .
Are these weapons on fixed? If so, then once they get dropped, they will float in the air and you can't pick them back up, which is a problem. The pieces look sloppily forged, but you probably couldn't make it any other way. The map itself isn't too terrible, reminds me of Risk, but I don't like how both teams start right next to each other, even worse facing each other. Those are my only complaints, but fixing them will make the map much better.
Where Antarctica this is very funny map. And I hope it goes global. Mt. Everest looks smaller in person I guess lol. But any way this is a pretty good scale of the world map. Nice Job. Your Aquintint, Charles J. Stoot. "IT it luck that you Failed"
Haha I love how you made the Netherlands so big, that's awesome man. Makes me feel good. I agree with Zigywig, at some points it looks a little sloppy but I guess you had no other choice. Impressive work, it resembles it a lot. If you're able to pull off a nice gametype for this map then that would be great.