Who wants to play Base Wars? [Forge Game]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Death Pandas, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Death Pandas

    Death Pandas Promethean

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    Base Wars

    Me and my friends usually play a little game I like to call base wars. You build a base in forge than we invite our friends and play it in custom. Only problem is I'm much better at forge at them and that tends to give me an advantage so that is why I came here to find 1 or 2 other people to play with.

    Our next time we forge a map is this Friday or Saturday, Anywhere from 2pm-2am Central Time. We may play the map anytime though.

    How We Play

    I'll choose 1-2 of you in the comments below if you'd like to play. First to comment first to serve, I really don't require you to be a forging super pro to play considering you're already a member on a site dedicated to forging. All I ask is that you put you're best effort into this.

    We all go in to Forge and start building seperate bases. (This may take multiple game if someone has to go)

    When we are done, I save it and you invite 2-3 of your own friends to help fight with you. (We might not play right after we forge do to people's friends not being online. You're friends also don't have to be MLG pros. The guys on my team are decent at the game at most, and I am terrible.)

    We often play our same maps more than once so make em good. :)

    Forging Rules

    When creating our bases, I have a strict no reconing other peoples bases. You may put a giant wall infront of you're base if you really don't want others to see and delete it later.

    Money is split evenly so if theres 3 forgers, we each get 3333 dollars.

    No stupid ****, such as making a teleporter to another persons base, making your base outside the top layer of the map, making a guass hog in a sealed box so its indectructable, etc. And if you have any concerns about what you making may be considers this, just ask me and I promise not to steal you're Idea or anything.

    No power-ups

    No shield doors

    Do your best to make your base realistic please.

    In-Game Rules
    (Share these rules with your teamates you invite.)

    Snipers may not be used to harm vehicles.

    Fuel Rod on Banshee can only be used to harm vehicles.

    5 kills of spawn killing MAX.


    Anybody can go into the forge menu and spawn some 3-story buildings and call it a base. Be proud of your work. Make your base anyway you like. Big bases lack efficentcy but small bases lack versatilaty.

    My Gamertag: Death Panda x
    #1 Death Pandas, Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool idea, I also used to do this with my real life friends in Forge.
    However, since they're not the best at forging, the quality wasn't very high, but in such a case i's all about the fun anyway! I don't think I can join your lobbies though, in the first place I don't have enough time unfortunately, and on top of that, I live in Europe.
  3. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sounds fun. I used to do this as well, and it always ended up being fun. A few questions. Are we allowed to go anywhere in Forgeworld, or are we confined to certain areas? How much time do we get to build?

    I would be happy to play so send me an invite.
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We should actually make an amazing Infection map doing this :D
  5. Death Pandas

    Death Pandas Promethean

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    Okay I think we're going to build it sometime Saturday. We usually make em in or around the blood gulch area but maybe in the future we will make it around that big Island. And you may have as much time as you need. I personally am a bit of a slower forger and perfectionst myself so I'm pretty slow and if you need more time I'll just go afk for a while I don't mind

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