Message my gt (IR3ach3dNirvava) if you want to boost on grifball Must have: 1. (2) controllers 2. mic
You need to boost matchmaking to level up? Seriously? Just farm commendations and play the damn game.
My thoughts on the matter: If youre trying to get a full lobby and level up, then it's whatever. But if you're gonna go hold the bomb and try to help your k/d then you're a douche and are the reason why I never play grifball
This is what defines Reach. Man how do I wish we could just go back to the Halo 3 days in Matchmaking (or earlier).*****+Please+you+just+changed+their+colors+_36c8d163ebe4d493fcf4e326903eaf80.jpg ONI Sword Base, Heroic difficulty, pick up the designator at the beginning, kill all the Covenant at the beginning area with it, revert to last save, ???, profit. Its a little hard to explain, but that's my method I used. But then my commendations got lower and lower, so I stopped.
Your memory is short. Halo 3 was just as "defined" by people playing under second accounts to beat up on worse players; people who would deliberately de-level accounts so they could beat up worse players, or party up with their friends to drag down the overall skill level they were matched at; selling accounts with 50s on eBay; etc. etc. It wasn't any better. It had aspects that were better but others that were worse.
Hey, I made good money by selling those accounts ... Anyways, we all know that this is going to be a hate thread pretty soon, so I'm going to lock it right away. Next time you look for people to, well ... play with .. please use our Customs Lobby sub Forum in the TRC section.