I haven't seen much talk about it yet and I know I can't be the only one on here that's at least half-interested in basketball. But for those of you that don't know, the conference finals are going on right now. The Thunder and and Spurs are playing for the West and the Heat and Celtics are playing for the East. So who do you guys want to win it? The Thunder are my team. They've got a bunch of young talent and they're definitely showing San Antonio that they can hang right now.
I'd like to see the Thunder win it just because it's impossible to dislike Kevin Durant and James Harden and it would be pretty cool seeing a solid young team like them come through and take a title home. At the same time, I could live with the Spurs having one more title to hang their hats on. Basically whichever team wins the West is taking home the title. The fact that the Heat are letting a beat up and aged Celtics hang with them tells me they can't handle either the Thunder or Spurs for a full series. -$0.02
I just want the Heat to lose, I don't care who wins. It would be nice for the Spurs to win it though, they have been playing hard and they deserve the ring.
Couldn't agree more with everything you said. Durant is one of those players you just want to see do well. And you can't forget about Westbrook, he's been playing really well this series. Watching them end the Spurs' 20-something win streak and then beating them again the next game is really impressive. As bad as the Heat are getting beat tonight, it looks like whoever takes the West will have an easy next week. Plus with Harden's ****ing sweet mohawk/beard combo, thats pretty much a championship garuntee right there. Heat are getting beat down right now. Down by 17 almost at half and they can't make a shot to save their life. Rondo is just picking their defense apart.
Thunder fell apart big time. After game 1, they never had the whole team show up together for a single game. James definitely earned it though. As much as I don't care for the Heat (mainly I don't like D Wade) it's nice to see him finally get his, and he's probably gonna get two or three more even (one more for sure). At least he'll finally have the credentials to sit among the top 10 all-time. He deserves it.