The Emperor's Throne Room (ROTJ)

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by RogueWolf, May 24, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    created by ChrisFreer


    High above the forest moon of Endor, the Death Star II is under construction.
    Here, in this giant space station, the emperor awaits the Rebel Alliance as the ultimate bait. A devious scheme to wipe them out once and for all.

    "IT'S A TRAP!"

    Using an ultimate location's guide I have tried to create as faithful a representation of the Emperor's throne room as possible. The place where the leader of the Galactic Empire finally met his death at the hand's of Darth Vader. I think it turned out rather well.

    I feel dirty because this just reeks of geekiness...damn it...but still
    Now for the tour!

    The turbolifts to the other floors, guareded by menacing (but here, missing) Imperial Guards clad in red.

    The walkway around the throne room, Vader cuts this down during his duel with Luke.

    Yes it is the title image, but it's the focal point! It's not just the dark side you should be wary of though. Be mindful that those two control panels will lead to lag if you stray too close. Lag leads to anger, anger leads to hate, (you know the rest)

    Witness the destruction of your rebel fleet out the view port.

    From my references I also found there was a holomap on this wing, although it is supposed to be a map of the Galactic Empire I have replaced it here with a map of the forest moon (and orbiting Death Star)

    Opposite the throne you'll find a doorway into Palpatine's greeting area. Reminiscent of his offices on Coruscant!

    Then finally
    His sleep chamber linked to medical diagnosis machines.

    And no, you haven't counted wrong if you were paying attention! The final wing was mereley a door for ships or shuttles to dock with, not particularly exciting.

    Here's my source image (although the book's was bigger you get the picture, literally)
    and no, there was not enough pieces to do every viewport or even 4 like I had wanted to!

    Anyway have a look around, try not to turn to the dark side (or make any quotes from it throughout looking around)
    I had originally planned to release this with an infection game mode. Semi-invincivle emperor hunts green "Luke's" and turns them into Vaders/ Imperial Guards but lag killed that dream!
    Please download and comment. Criticism is always welcome

    Now, young Skywalker... you will die.

    #1 RogueWolf, May 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  2. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I tried so so so hard not to orgasm while looking at those screenshots but sadly they were just too damn sexy. This map is unbelievably amazing. And don't worry about those viewports, this map is perfect. I am obligated to give you some sort of feedback so I would suggest changing the armor lock to a jetpack in the hologram map just because the color is closer to the death star. That might sound stupid, mainly because it is, but I need to say something constructive, lol.
  3. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    Do the gates open? I believe that this map would be AMAZING if compatible with invasion, or any objective gametype for that matter.
  4. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    While this map is great, with a lot of detail, I suggest that you go back to this, and drasticall reduce the amount of peices yu use to make this, that way we can play infection on this. Infection would be very interesting, with all the walkways.
  5. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    This is just an amazing aesthetic map. It's probably my favorite thus far... Though I don't like lag. The red light (Notice i said red, not green) light would help for a higher framerate. Another suggestion would be replacing the 3x3 blocks on throne room with other means. They have z-fighting (flickering) built in, causing lag. Other than that, the grid, if you don't mind.
    Anyway, I love this map, mostly because of pure accuracy. People would connect to the map.
    Overall a solid 10 on aesthetics.
  6. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thank you!
    I believe in the film on the Rebel's plans it is in orange, but I'm not sure.

    I think the lines of sight are a bit big and it is overall too small...the only one I can see it truly working for is territories. Although you'd probably all have to have energy swords so you can't just shoot the crap out of someone on the other side of the map

    I'll see what I can do. Overall the only area that is that bad is the throne area itself as it took a few pieces to get the shapes right. I'll see if I can change it though while keeping the feel.

    Well aesthetics were what I was going for so I am more than happy with that! Thank you!
    I wasn't having any issues with lag in the red room, so I'm not sure if that would help. Ah, I thought I had caught all the areas of Z-fighting I'll get on it tonight!
    The grid was just to keep people out of the bottom, I can put a kill zone in and remove it.
  7. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    *Picks jaw up of floor*

    Sadly I can't DL, don't have XBL yet.

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