FORTUNA BEACH You've been assigned to Fortuna Beach? How... unfortunate. This is my recent map, Fortuna Beach. Not much of a story behind this one. I feel like I rushed this one a little bit. It is unplayed and untested and feedback is greatly appreciated. Each base has a Warthog and a Mongoose. On the opposite side of the beach there is a neutral Ghost. Fortuna Beach: Center Structure: (includes 2 Machine gun Turrets pointed at each base.) The Boardwalk: Blue Base: (Red is symmetrical.) Overhead View: Weapons Layout and List: Black = 2X DMR [2 extra clips] White = 2X MAchine Gun Turret [1 extra clip] Yellow = 2X Sniper Rifle [1 extra clip] Brown = 2X Shotgun [1 extra clip] Orange = 1X Rocket Launcher [1 extra clip] 2X Frag Grenade Purple = 2X Needle Rifle [2 extra clips] Pink = 2X Needler [1 extra clip] Lavender = Plasma Pistol 8X Plasma Grenade Red = 4X Health Station
You know you can't get this tested in the TRC guild now that you have submited it? Anyway the middle looks a bit ugly.
Yea I know. Like I said I felt that I rushed it. What do you mean by ugly? Like you don't like the structure in accordance to the map? Or just like an ugly building?
I can't help but see a large resemblance to Redemption's Majestica. There doesn't appear to much cover at all on the map, apart from the rocks around the edge, making traffic towards the middle structure not as I think you want it to be. Even then, setting up in the middle structure leaves the player very exposed and with a DMR-start BTB gametype, certainly dead. A lot of the actual piece placement on the map could have been better. Much of the pieces that are meant to line up don't and those that do cause large amounts of z-fighting all over. The safe zones aren't set properly, with one area within the boundaries of the map being zoned off, and the height being too low to support jetpacking. Rocks could definitely be tidied up to look like actual formations rather than individual pieces. Overall, I would recommend you test your map before posting.
I didn't see and zfighting when I was making. Where did you find it? And what about the safe zone? Are you talking of the canyon gate? And with the jet packing problem, a lot of maps have limited flight room. You just have to be careful. I'm also not good at making rocks look natural. It's hard for me to test maps. A lot of my friends wont help me with that and I'm too impatient to use The Guild.
Specifically, on: The connection is each 'base' between the L and XXL Platforms The middle structure connections between the XXL Platforms, Pyramids, and the 3x3 Tall. So pretty much the entire floor. On the red side of the coastline structure, the connection between the strut and ramp. On the canyon side structure, the connection between the two middle walkways. On the canyon side structure the safe zone ends with still like 15-20 units left until you hit the walkways (the boundaries). That safe boundary needs to be about 20 units back so it matches the physical boundary and doesn't confuse the player. Ok, let me elaborate: Using the top of a 1x1 block to measure, I determined the max height of your safe zone for the map is a Y value of 7.0. From the lowest point on the map (Y = 0.8) I successfully jetpacked higher than the barrier (to stand on top of a block at Y = 8.1). Now this is the lowest point on the map, which is only makes up a very small area. Most of your map's elevation ranges from roughly Y = 2 to Y = 5, with quite a few areas higher than that. This also means that I can be out of the map by simply jumping at elevations Y = 5.7+. After looking through some more, I counted 15 spawns on your map that were within 20 units of the safe barrier, below and above. Three of the spawns were actually above the safe zones barrier, including Blue team's ridge sniper area. This height I would say needs to be doubled, because it will cause problems all over the map. You actually have to change it, and not just tell the player to 'be careful'. Oh yeah, 10 units = edge of a 1x1 block <-- The Berb 9 is my gamertag. <--