This is my submission for the Community Cartographers Forge Contest. It now supports all Team Objective gametypes, however, I feel that it plays 1 Flag CTF and Multiflag CTF the best. The map has played much better than I had expected in tests, and is confirmed to smoothly support 2-Player splitscreen on TVs up to a screen size of 26 inches. During these tests, no weapons or positions on the map seemed overpowered. I feel that the map has a unique aesthetic theme and the layout plays well for symmetrical and asymmetrical gametypes. EDIT: I have now submitted the map to the contest. I will update the screenshots of the map to the latest version as soon as I can. Map Download: File Share Halo Official Site Yes, I know it's Slayer, I was showing a friend the map. Red Base from the Left Side. Bottom Mid/Grav Hammer Spawn. Purple Catwalk/Sniper Spawn and the Rock Formations. Overview. Bottom to Purple Catwalk. From Left to Right; Green Platform & Bridge/Yellow Catwalk/Orange Bridge & Platform. Overview of the Middle. Close up of the Centrepiece/Grav Hammer Spawn at Bottom Mid.
It looks nice. I especially like what you did with the center piece phasing those crates into the Plasma Battery. Looks sick. This is just my OCD kicking in, but I don't like how its in that part of Hemmorhage, with out barrier like objects. I understand it probably has Killzone/Safezones, but it looks....blank like that to me. If this was in the Quarry, I would like it more. I give it a 9/10. If you ever need someone to help test it, I'm free all week.
I disagree with that completely. Leaving the outside of the map open, instead of just putting coliseum walls everywhere is always the better way to go, and in my opinion, helps make this map look better.
Thanks. The Centrepiece is my take on a Covenant Generator. I don't really like that I didn't have enough objects to create outer walls either, but decided to spend the budget on the structures inside the map. I've settled for markers that show the perimeter of the Safe Zone. Also, the map is too large to fit in the Quarry, which is why I built it in the Canyon instead. Your offer of testing may well be called upon a few days from now.
Unless you can make nicer walls aesthetically. Putting up just coliseum walls is trasy. Yea just shoot me an invite. My GT is my username.
Dammit, the competition is starting to look tough. But I wouldn't mind if something like this got in. Looks fantastic. The only thing I personally don't like is the sepration between the top and the bottom. There is no real middle area in between them, it's either you're up or you're down. But hey, that could help in an objective setting. I'd be interested in testing as long as I could run my map(for the contest and NEEDS testing badly). My GT is my profile name.
I agree with the bold statement completely. The map looks nice, but some middle level would do wonders for it I think, though I have never played. Feel free to invite me for testing, if I'm free to I will join.
Why thank you, good sir. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you, and thank you for the offer of testing even more. I'm going to need as many people as I can get. Don't worry, we should be able to test your map as well. In regards to the height difference, I haven't really tried more than two levels on this version of the map. On the first iteration of the map that I ever made I wanted the map to have three levels; the foundations of a bridge running through the map, the bridge itself, and some Epitaph-style floating platforms. It didn't work that well though. One thing I am considering is moving up Purple Catwalk a few co-ordinates to make it a more powerful position, and block LoS. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Again, thank you. I might consider adding a bit more height difference, but first I'll see how the map plays for a 5v5. So far I've only had a 2v2, which showed that no weapons on the map seemed unbalanced, and that the map seemed to flow well. It raised a couple of little things that need to be tweaked though. [br][/br]Edited by merge: June 23rd Update I've added a few fixes to general aspects of the map, and the map also now supports KOTH. The new version is in my File Share.
I enjoyed testing the map with you. The asymmetric one flag was a neat idea and I'm sure that would be rough with 5v5 objective going on. Again as one thing I said in the game (for me at least) getting your bearings seemed hard. If felt as though some of the spawn points were facing away from the map instead of towards it. One spawn point was on a pile of rocks that I couldn't easily sprint off of from the get go, and yet another, when I spawned, all I could see was a giant rock. Other than that it was a fun map. +1D.
Dude, just shoot me a FR and I'll work it into our regular lobbies. Looks like a pretty solid map. Definitely better than 90% of the competition... Seriously, this has been such a disappointing competition so far.
I'll fix that today. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I will do... I suppose I should be happy that many of the maps that will be entered won't be that good, because it gives my map a better chance, but from past experience it's the worst maps that are more likely to get into matchmaking, with a few exceptions.
How have I managed to overlook this gem in the previews forum?! This map looks gorgeous, and I love the open feel you've achieved. It's very rare for a forge map to instantly stand out these days, and I really look forward to playing it. If you need any more testers I'll be happy to help
Why thank you. I've already submitted the map but if you want to try and get a game on it I'll be happy to be in the lobby. I want to get plenty of games on this map, even if it doesn't make it into matchmaking.
It seems so small yet so simplistic. I love it. Though i have one question are those hidden window Collisiums? And does it not create lag?Either way you have my DL.
Do you mean the Coliseum Window trims? And no, I have not experienced any FRL on the map, except when in Forge mode due to the excessive amount of Kill Zones, Spawn Points, Objectives and so on, which you don't see when in Custom Games. I've tested the map for 2-Player splitscreen and it was fine. Any more players than that on one screen and I don't know.
You should add a second floor to the base , a basement to make gameplay better then just standing up on a block and running on the grass . By the way the map have a nice looking !
Personally I love to enclose my maps if they're built on open land (canyon, island, quarry). Its your choice what to do with it really, but I hate that open-world feel. Anyways, I love the aesthetics on this map, but I can't say anything else about the map for now.
I really like the look of this map. There's some original stuff going on here, which can be hard to do with a symmetrical map. I agree with Audience and Kaos though about there being no middle ground. The courtyards in front of each base are incredibly open and look to be a no-man's land for anyone trying to run an objective. Adding some rocks here or some kind of cover that adds some viability to a forward approach would probably be a good idea. You mentioned raising the neutral ground to make it more of a power position, but I think the height is fine. Instead, try lowering the bases a bit so that the discrepancy between those and the courtyards isn't so much. This could effectively grant you that "middle-ground" a few of us have mentioned. Also, do you have anymore detail shots of the bases? I can't quite tell if there's an interior to them or a back entrance, though it doesn't look like there is. Having a path that cuts through the bases, taking you from the back of it to the top ledge, could be a nice idea that would allow for some sneaky maneuvers. As of now, I only see 2 ways up whereas 3 is usually the minimum you want to go with, especially for high ground access. I think the best policy for designing symmetrical objective maps is to think to yourself, "Would default Slayer be fun on here?" If your map only seems to work for objective, but can't support slayer, then go back and see why slayer isn't working. Slaying is a huge part of objective game-play, so you have to be sure it is balanced as well as your objectives. I don't know when I'll get a chance, but I'll see if a fly-through in Forge shows me a few things that these pictures can't. Nice job dude, lookin' good.