The new episode of my weekly machinima is now out The Outcast: Episode 2 (Awesome Halo: Reach Machinima) - YouTube Hope you enjoy it. Like, share and sub it helps <3
My same feedback from your trailer still holds true your scripting could use a lot of work. Body acting was...meh and again...that voice acting was just horrendous the characters voices were annoying as hell and did not convey any emotion.
If your going to continue to post the same feedback on all my posts please stop I'm asking nicely I understand my writing is meh and im working on it and its obviosly good enough to get me a partnership deal with youtube and JungleGameerHD, So im still proud of my work so if you continue to post these things on my post will have to Report you.
Really dude I'm giving you feedback to help you you don't have to get real defensive. If you don't want critisizm or feedback then why do you post here?i just gave you both and you threaten to report me?wow. I never said the machinima couldn't be good.i never said it was bad I just gave you a few things you could change.look at the critisizm as help not hate.because I am really not trying to demean or belittle you or your videos in any way I am merely giving a list of subjects that could be improved apon to make it better.
im sorry but the first time was good enough now its just kinda feeling offensive "that voice acting was just horrendous the characters voices were annoying as hell and did not convey any emotion."
Ok I am sorry for any offense brought apon none was intended I guess I'll just leave these alone then.good luck with the rest of the series.