FTG Insanity :: "FTG Lockout" A Halo 2 Lockout Remake (Info in Description) - YouTube Screenshots Spoiler Description A Halo 2 Lockout recreation that I've worked on since 10/15/2010. My overall goal was to recreate Lockout without sacrificing gameplay elements, framerate, trick-jumps, or line-of-sight. All weapons, spawns, and gametypes were influenced and mimicked using the original map via my original xbox, my prior knowledge, and gameplays on youtube. Some changes were done such as replacing one of the needlers with a needler rifle, having two fusion coils at Sniper spawn, and limiting grenades to 2 instead of 3-4 in some areas. Clips and spawn times were not mimicked but I have set a system that is balanced for carried out gameplay. This map supports these following game types: Assault(Neutral Bomb, One Bomb), Capture The Flag(Neutral, One Flag, Multi Flag), Headhunter, Infection(Safe Havens), Juggernaut, King Of The Hill(Crazy King, KOTH), Oddball, Race, Slayer(FFA, Team Slayer, Etc.), Stockpile, and Territories(3-Plot, Land Grab, Territories). NOTE: You must have these specific settings for this map to play accurately: 110% Speed 125% Jump Height 100% Gravity Main Files Download FTG Lockout Map Variant Download Lockout Throwback Game Type Optional Files Download FTG Lockout Spectator Map Variant Download Lockout Infection Game Type Download Lockout MLG V7 Game Type
It's been said before but this is a fantastic, accurate and detailed remake of a good old classic from back in the days. I love the care you put in enabling the same shortcuts and jumps again too. Don't let the haters get you down, a good remake is a good remake.
WOW that is definatly the best remake of this map ive ever seen just one thing though, can at least space out the pics next time but the map its self is amazing
Thank you very much and sorry for the lack of spacing between pictures, I didn't think it was necessary. PS: I edited my posted.