Conventional war. If it was a nuclear war, there would be much more damage to the buildings and scenery. So much more, you probably wouldn't recognize the map. I'm no expert about what kind of damage Nukes do, but they probably do more than what was demonstrated in this map.
Would you mind if I used this for an infection machinima. Of course I will have your gamer tag and the name of your map in the credits of the episode(s).
dude you should make an invasion variant for your map imagine that the covenant just has destroyed the city and spartans have to stop them
But of course. In fact, maybe slapping on a gloomy FX like Next Gen would give it a better effect. Also, when you do make it, can you send me the link? I wanna watch.
Got to love this beast... I have a concern though about this map as it has a lot and I mean a lot of lag problems... I see that you added a lot of buildings but I was thinking you could size them up so they are more realistically existing like the spartans sized in comparison. The buildings feel like they are two small and the roads only have room for one vehicle and no space to exit. That was most of my saddness but this map is beast and all but still clunky and hard to see around unlike maps like Path of Destruction and Fallout 3: The Pitt (which still has lage issues if you play with more than 2 people at a time on the map.) I was wondering I wanted to ask you about some forging tips for the maps like these. I want to make a competitive map over this type of senerio. I have actually made several drafts but some of mu less quality friends decided to tear it apart but it had minor lag issue because it was a small but spacy type of maps so then again. Got any suggestions for a destroyed city/plaza map with 3 and 4 story tall buildings on it? I love your maps keep up the good work ZOP!!!!
For some reason, people keep replying to this thread, lol. Thanks, this wasn;t designed with gameplay in mind at all, otherwise it'd be in casual. (Or maybe competitive if I really make it play well. And yeah, most of my maps before 7/02 are really not gameplay oriented. As for advice, set up the playspace first, get everything all good, then make aesthetics. Try to have at least three different height levels. Or just make it look fricken amazing and play bad, like this map.
Do you mean stairs and lots and lots of highways or/and overhangs. I made my map 2-8 players it was called Aftermath before being torn down by my friends. Anyway other than that got any other suggestions like building effects, earthquake effects, and crater effects. Good map but I also feel like your map had a certain way to it, did you build it up first then tear it down or just go from one step at a time because from what I have seen from DL It looks good but a bit dashed when made, I thought that could also have something to do with Lag.
For gameplay, height variation is critical. As for effects, if it's going to be big, use lots of seastacks and inclines for rubble. Those two paired together always look great. Also, for a more "realistic" size, try doubling up the 4x4's / using Coli walls. Finally, for a crater just make a big circle with seastacks and arches then fill in the holes with rubble and such. Hope I helped.
This map was amazing, it reminded me of Turf from H2 because there are so many areas accessible with some simple jump sequences.
lol Thanks for the reply, I actually completely forgot about this map. Not my best work, but I guess it isn't worthy of the title "bad" either.