Hypertension (Mall Map)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    Hello ForgeHub Im back with a competitive map now! Now this is a map I mentioned that I wanted a loong time ago. There are a few out there, but few of them actually capture the right atmosphere. Now I present to you: Hypertention, also known as:

    The Lowdown on Hypertension:
    This is a well-needed kind of map!
    Now this layout has some crowded areas, as well as wide open areas, to mix up the combat. The basic layout is a main open floor (ground level) and two other extra floors that wrap around the walls. There is a broken elevator shaft, working escalators, and multiple stores to go shopping in. Dont worry, each store as more than one entrance, so no camping like there would be in a normal mall.
    WEAPONS>>> The big weapons are kind of in tricky areas so if you can get to them without getting killed, good luck with them. Other weapons are found in obvious places but the most weapons youll find are on ground level, which is open ground. But there should be a power weapon on each floor.
    SPAWNS>>> the spawns are hidden around the level in the corners. No one spawns in the open but the open is where almost all of the health packs are so youl need to get out of your comfort zone to stay alive. Lots of moving around here.
    Yes, this one is kind of suited and purposed for infection. Players will try to find places to hide, but I tried the best I could to make every room accessible by at least 2 places to reduce camping. The top floor will probably be the survivors best bet, but zombies come around sharp corners and can come through a door on the top floor. Basically, infections fun on this one guys.

    These screenshots were hard to take, so bare with me. Even if the screens dont look spectacular, just go ahead and give it a DL and try it with friends. If you liked my Jetway map, you'll like this one too. Its got 3 floors and lots of fast-paced action and a lot of places to go.

    the thumbnail. A basic overview

    the elevator shaft. the food court is just to the right and a store is on the left.

    food court and fountain. there is a slight dead end to the right, but spawn points are there

    teh store to the left of that elevator shaft from earlier. Both the entrances seen here are to the same store. Abercrombie and Fitch lol isnt the Bunker Round peice fitting to the store entrance?

    this empty elevator shaft is a different elevator shaft across from the earlier one. At the bottom there is the shotgun.

    second floor seating area. Concussion Rifle spawns here

    one of the stairways to the third floor from the second floor. mmmmhmmmmm

    Ahhhh de escalators! The one with the green sign above it is the one to transfer levels. It shoots you up or down. Do not go in the one with the red sign over it. Youll get a traffic ticket. DO NOT ENTER

    [​IMG] one of the second floor stores. The only store with one entrance but is very tiny. the glass tells people where you are, so there is a small chance of camping.

    overview... well more like an underview hehe but this is what it looks like looking up at the 3rd floor from the bottom.

    Well I hope you enjoyed the screens, please DL and try it out.
  2. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    #2 RoboArtist, Jun 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  3. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    It's like you're actually looking at real trees.

    Like Robo said, this isn't really much of a competitive map, more for infection. I ike the idea of what you were going for, you don't see many mall maps in Reach. I'll check this out later.
  4. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    lol who cares about the damn trees! Just give it a DL and play to comment about the look of the gameplay because you really dont know how well it really does until youve tried it out

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