Copperfield - A re-imagination of Warlock/Wizard This is a map I worked on when I wanted to build something, but didn't want to think too much. It has all the main elements of the the original, with a few twists. 2-8 players Gametypes - Slayer, CTF, KOTH, and Oddball Weapons - DMR, Spiker, Frag and Plasma Grenades. Powerups - Camo (spawns bottom mid every 2 minutes on all gametypes except Oddball). 120 Speed is required to make the jump from the platforms to top mid. Here's a video I recorded on my cheap digital camera before File Shares came back. Enjoy! Copperfield - YouTube Download Copperfield
This looks sick a Chunk! Very cool arena that, while bearing semblance to Warlock, looks quite unique in its own right. This one has a bit more height variation, over-under, and general complexity. I wish it wasn't so barren in terms of power-weapons though, but I know that's your style. Just for fun, you should put x4 1-shot, 60 sec/res GL's on the four raised platforms around mid haha. I'll have to DL and check this one out.
This looks like an incredible arena. Do you happen to have an MLG version because this looks like it could have potential. I can't tell from the pics, but is there an outer track along the perimeter like there is in Zealot?
Clean map, I think the greatest change is the drop to bottom mid. Now we can disappear like some magic trick. The stage drop is more in the tradition of Houdini than copperfield though
Forging looks clean nothing very ground breaking in terms of design or layout and lines of sight are way too long for a really competitive map.all easily fixed that was just what I noticed from the pics maybe I'll check it out and give more feedback.
I'm not at all opposed to adding power weapons to maps. It just depends upon the type of map it is. The Grenade Launcher is a good fit for this map. I just prefer camo, so that ended up in the middle of the map. Right now I have Spikers spawning under the platforms at green and orange. I actually kind of like the idea of replacing those with Grenade Launchers, and moving the Spikers under red/blue platforms. Something for me to think about... FYI, I took your advice for Sol. Added some cover to the top bridge and put Rockets there to counteract the lift areas of the bases, then put camo bottom mid. I just didn't want to bump that thread after so long and knock someones elses map off the first page. Edited by merge: I just edited the first post to relay an important bit of information. 120 Speed is required to make the jump from the platforms to top mid. I've generally forged arena maps using MLG settings. It's something I'm trying to move away from, but this map was built around those settings. It will not play properly without 120 speed, so even if you don't want to use MLG settings (they're definitely not required), just change the speed setting to 120. I don't know if you've played Wizard or Warlock before, but it's very, very similar to those maps. There is an 'outer track' that runs between the bases and the platforms. The main change to that part from the original maps is that I've added height variation around that outer track. Edited by merge: There have been so many remakes of wizard/warlock that almost all the good names have been used, and I didn't want to take the name of another map. I decided to name it after a magician, and Copperfield was the first one that popped into my head. I think that the changes to the middle of the map will result in gameplay that is at least a little bit more unique than the average remake of this map. I especially like the fact that camo is now reachable from both top and bottom mid. Bottom mid can be used as more than a hiding place now. Edited by merge: I feel like this is some very fair feedback. Like I said in the first post, it's basically just Wizard/Warlock with a few twists. There's nothing too groundbreaking here. I wasn't even sure I was going to release this. It was a project I started working on just because I needed a break from another project...I wanted to be able to just build something without having to put too much thought into it. The long lines of sight combined with a more accurate utility weapon (DMR) are largely what makes Warlock not play as well as it did in previous Halo's. I tried to address that through height variation around the outer edges of the map, and through adding more cover to the middle of the map. Platform to platform is still wide open, though, and that could certainly be enough to break the map if it makes it too difficult to move between the bases and the middle. I'd love to hear your feedback after a playing a few games.