The original map was named Attribute, but because Frenchys made it pretty and addressed some issues, it recieved a new name as shown above. 'Tis a two-versus-two that features three power weapons; an overshield and two sniper rifles. Yes, the aesthetics are generic and outdated, but the map is still appealing nonetheless. Of course, any thoughts and concerns are more than welcome.
Blue Balls? Lol I'm kind of liking the theme here but it doesn't really give you that "icy" feeling if that was what you were going for. If you were, I'd suggest some blue lights shining on some glass sections of blocks to give you that opaque kind of gloss. As for gameplay, I do notice that there is a LOT of cover and I do so LOVE QCB, although proper testing would obviously be needed before I can pass any sort of judgement. I like what you've done here and I like your shoes.
I really cannot say much on this map, but it is very clean and seems to have very interesting geometry. Hit me up with a game sometime. Does this work for one versus one as well? EDIT: i agree with Nibbs, the name needs a change.
Ohmygoodgollygosh. I had so much fun on this map. The verticality is awesome. Like I said back in Jackbasket, I love your style. I have some insanely funny clips from this map as well. If you make a video, I' ll send some to you.
The map does look pretty good (minus the 2x4 side wall with the platform y's), but like every map Frenchy's works on, the name is just stupid.
Blue Stone Balls. or just Stone Balls. or just Balls. They're all excellent choices. I was actually thinking of placing some blue lights by each sniper spawn, but I'm weary of framerate problems. The map's pretty large so there's plenty of dance floor and the cover keeps the map from being superduper open. Gracias Surchin, I like your shoes too. One-versus-one works, but it's a bit slow compared to two-versus-two. Thanks man, I'll sendz you thee invite. Aw shucks, you're making me blush Most of the aesthetics were from Frenchys this time around though. Haha, show me the clips next time your on. They probably involve us falling in the pit over and over again. The name actually made sense at one point since there were some stone heads on the map, haha. Still, the name is awesome. Thanks Nibbs.
OMIGOSHTHISMAPIWANTTOPLAY/ map looks nice except that 2x4 wall with the Platform y's and it remindes me of AOS0707's ether a tad bit. change the map name because it sucks.
change it to something like Zulu, Phlux, hell even Yolo is better than (Blue Stone Boys). [br][/br]Edited by merge: no, because its blue and in that second to last pic it reminds me so much of Ether and it looks like AceoSpades style of forging.
No, nothing is worse than Yolo. If he doesnt want to change the name that's fine too, it's his map, not ours.
Well, I respect your opinion though I have to disagree. Thanks for answering the question. If I figure out a more suitable name than I will change it, but it's staying the same for now haha, Eightball. I'll admit, it's starting to annoy me now.
This looks nothing like Ether and doesn't remind me anything like any other map in all of forge history. I apologize for the people who can't give you a REAL explanation behind why it looks like Ether. I do, however think that the map lacks structurally. You should hit me up on XBL so I can show you what structure on a map should look like. It seems like a lot of people think that cover exists in forge, which it doesn't.. Overall, though it looks to have quite a decent amount of creativity in the layout and the height variation throughout the map.
OH LORDY HAVE MERCY ON ME!! I Derped big time with this one I meant" those 2x4 and platform Ys look really bad" sorry for the derpin.
Actually, if you are looking to get a video out I might be able to lend you a hand. I still need to finish off my current one at the moment though. If you want, I could have a look, and possibly put you next on the list.
Thanks mang, I'll show you around sometime soon and you can show me what you mean then. Yeah, that'd be awesome. I'll try to post a download link some time today.
I couldn't find it either. And would people please stop having frenchy's do their aesthetics I can't handle so many covie crates (jk Frenchy makes good ****).