Orion http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lYVs7AbS8dE Orion is a vertical map designed to play similarly to Construct King from MLG v8 in Halo 3. It features a single main atrium with connecting outside streets and a basement level. You have three power ups on the map. At top green is sniper, bottom mid is rockets and mid gold is the Oversheild. Additionally there are two controllable jet backs spawning on opposite sides of the basements Green side is similar to sword side on Construct in regards to controlling the bottom hill. This is the difficult hill to hold, that will make or break the game for a team. You have your alternating hills on the streets, red and blue. This are a lot easier to lock down as a team, much in similarity to the street hills from Construct as well. The basement, as well as the addition of the one way tele from bottom green to mid gold, is meant to offer safe spawn locations as well as connectivity to the rest of the map One of the most pivotal lines of sights for breaking up set ups and controlling the map is the sight line between the two power positions, top green and top gold. Additionally, top gold offers a line of sight to the bottom hill. Weapons and Equipment: Rockets x1 Sniper x1 DMR x 4 NR x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Needler x2 OS x1 Health Pack x3 (Main Atrium) (Green Side, Snipe Side) (Red Streets) (Red Lobby) (basement) Forge Universal: Orion (Map teaser trailer) - YouTube Enjoy.
I knew you were gonna post this!!!! from the looks of the map it looks fun, haven't had a chance to play on this yet, I'll make sure to get a game on this sometime.
inb4flamewar OHAI First, let me say that I did not help forge this or play this enough. I just played Construct the other day, and was reminded of just how different this map actually is from its inspiration. I definitely like how you used Construct for inspiration though. Most symmetrical competitive maps seem to be inspired by The Pit, and end up being hopelessly boring. You take inspiration from Guardian, Narrows, and now Construct, which is why I actually really enjoy your competitive maps in comparison with just about anyone else's in the 4v4 genre. That said, I didn't enjoy this one as much as Select, but I haven't played it as much either. Overall, good job as usual sir.
I like this map alot. At first I saw this and thought, oh no. Everyones going to be over powered by everyone up top, but that center structure helps break that up. Im not sure if it would cause framerate, but if you have enough budget left maybe you can touch it up with some aesthetics? It just seems a little plain. Great job though. I had a game on it the other day and it played just fine, other than the fact the other team rage quit and left the custom.
I haven't played Orion for a long time. And by this I mean many months. I cannot say much for it's current edition, but I am impressed by the design and way back when you were just beginning to fine tune this I loved the gameplay. Orion is a strangely unique map, when I played I remember feeling how I felt both familiar with it and like I was discovering a new platform at the same time. I wish I could have played this and given better feedback, and maybe I will if I can get a lobby of 8, but all I can say for now is that Orion is a truly fun and well made map. I look forward to playing your next great creation. Hopefully I'll play multiple versions this time. Edit: Love the music.
Looks great, the structures look to be extremely well placed and balanced, the I like the placement of weapons, not too overpowered. My only complaint is.... Y U NO HAVE SONG ORION PLAYING IN THE BACK GROUND?!!??!?!?
I played a game on this map with you and Oli. I loved every minute of it. Even though I didn't do too well The map was just so nicely designed I didn't give a damn. Though during slayer I did feel like the traffic at top mid was a bit excessive. It's your map though, and if you wanted that, then I don't see any reason to change it. Overall, great map!
Great job on the map. Mus say since I put that video up i'm "sort of" sick of it Hours upon hours looking at me dying. I suck. (You may want to fix your post btw!) CTF games worked superbly well because of the skill jumps avaliable to the flag spawn, that is really capable of catching a team out. All parts of the map are playable and played in, although I would say that the lift rooms in the top corners of the map see by far the most action, and on occasion serve as a choke point. During more objective-y games this works well because it almost gives a "push and pull" style of gameplay, but it is naturally a high traffic area, leaving other areas little used in slayer games. Great map though.
I'm going to say King plays the best on this map due to your balance of hill locations. The lift room is a really key area to gain map control and OS. You can even have a nice jump to bottom mid for those rockets. Wasn't even thinking about 'construct' when we were running games on this. Just shows how much personal flavor you can add to a map. Was not a big fan of Stockpile. Great job on the verticality and gameplay, I'd like to see this in MM for King.
I've seen you post on other threads say how much you like their maps. Don't lie. Schnitzel, it looks like you completely redid the central atrium. Hopefully I'll get a chance to check this out again sometime as I really enjoyed the original version. Also, have the frame-drops in Crazy King been reduced? I remember them getting pretty iffy in the green hill near rockets.
Just so you know, I nominated you for a FH Favourite. It's a superb map, and well worthy of a nomination. Especially for making a map that works both with an easier and harder MLG style to it. RAMBO works for the skilled, and teamwork matters in the push and pull battles that crop up.
First off, I'd like to thank every one for their praise, critiques and support of this map. Especially Oli, who's video was pretty effin awesome. Lynx, answered your question on your wall, but I'll answer it here too. Sorry for being a **** off in the past btw. I revisited this map back in April at the behest of Atlas as he believed we could get it to support 2 player local (split screen). Well, I managed. Was a matter of cleaning up my forging and using pieces more efficiently. And Homy... It's not cool to lie bro. If you're gonna come into a thread and claim a map is bad, and also claim to have played it, at least make sure you actually played the damn thing... You know how easy it is to check some one's game history right? Thanks for being a shining example of what is wrong with the forge community. I'm sorry you got too damn butt hurt from me critiquing your precious map in your feature post here... Now if you don't mind, man up, grow some balls, and move on. Thanks again every one.
you lost me... anyway, I like the map, but putting guardrails along the walkways on the edge (brace larges) would be nice, (cause my retard self keeps walking off the edge).
He's German... Er konnte nicht gutes English sprechen. Aber ich kann nicht auch gut Deutsch sprechen. I had railings in an earlier version, but they had to go to get it split screen compatible. Shameful... I did consider widening the bottom level though so it'd be easier to catch yourself down there if you fell off the brace.
It's nice to know they delete posts that are negative I say just how it is in the German community sorry for the bad rating If I hurt you I'm tired it can not always give good reviews. apologize for my bad english
That was pretty cool actually. Although it didn't seem to bring much traffic to my fileshare or this thread... Definitely boosted your view count on the vid though. Haha.
To me this map looks like a matchmaking map. The gameplay is fun and the layout is balanced. Maybe add some more aesthetics if budget allows. Especially on the center structure. All in all very clean, solid map. Nice job