Hey kiddies. I have been working on a map for the 5v5 Objective contest. I'm not going to write a page long description until it's finished, with a brand new thread. So I'll just give you a very short specs list for now. Please comment with constructive criticism. Gametypes so far: Multi-Flag CTF, 3-Plots, Assault Weapons/Vehicles: (This is just a basic set up for now) DMR: 6 Needle Rifle: 4 Sniper: 2 Plasma Pistol: 2 Needler: 2 Grenade launcher: 2 Turret: 2 Warthog:2 Video by RoboArtist <3 Reach Forge Map: Behemoth - YouTube To everyone who helped me so far, the thank you's will be dished out in the final thread.
Glad to see my side platforms survived. I think you still might want to do something to break of LoS along the sides of the map a bit more though. I like how simple the map is and how it reminds me of a Sandbox style map from Halo 3. Unfortunately, I think your object density is a bit too high to support four-player spit without deleting a ton of objects and the map's character along with them. I do see a few areas where some objects could be saved without any noticeable changes visually or in gameplay though. The video was also pretty solid, except for the first ten seconds of looking at a random rock and a random tree which was utterly pointless. Props for using Muse as well. Anyway, ivite me to forge again and I'll try to save you a few onjects, and then I'll be needing to actually play this.
Thanks Ducky. Every damn time we test it, you aren't on... :/ As for the framerate, with some major halp from Redemption, I think we've taken care of 2 player splitscreen so far. I haven't tested 4 yet. Next time I see you pop up online, expect several thousand invites.
Strangely enough, when I was going through your fileshare on Waypoint yesterday for a map, I saw the screenshots of this one and just went "must download!" You did very well building a symmetrical map on asymmetrical terrain in the canyon and your structures are quite unique in a good way.
Who could have built something so nice looking? To be fair though, I did sorta steel the idea from Erupt so credit him for it. Unfortunately, those platforms are also the highest concentration of framerate-y objects on the map for that reason. Derp.
I know, which is insanely frustrating. There isn't a whole lot I can really do to it, other than maybe change the shape a bit. I just might start them over from scratch. Edit: I just got an idea for reshaping. I'll just narrow the platforms length-wise with ramp 2x2 or whatever it is instead of those bastardous steeps.
This map is very straight-forward and simplistic! For some reason, I feel that it resembles Ghost Town in a small way. Also, I like your choice of music. "Map of the Problematique" by Muse. Anyways, looks good!
Glad its up. I was worried people would hate the trailer. but it payed off I guess. What I like about the map was that it suited vehicles perfectly, while those structures gave advantage to the pedestrians. Call-outs would be great on the map because its easily separated into different sections of the map, and team-work looks crucial. One of your best works yet
Thanks Robo I never thought about call outs. And teamwork is very crucial for CTF. If you aren't communicating with your team, you're screwed. There are a lot of ways to flank as well, so every game is different.
I have yet to play a game on this and am disappoint. Constructive Criticism: The Warthog jump is sexy. Keep it.
It's nice to see some competition for the CCF Contest. My map is quite heavily vertical and built in the same section of the Canyon, but is a decent amount smaller. Anyway, I digress. This looks fun and perfect for good vehicle vs infantry combat at mid range. Good luck in tackling those pesky split-screen issues, and I look forward to seeing this map in Matchmaking!
UPDATE: I have made some major changes for both framerate and gameplay. -Pillars to the left of bomb plant have been removed -Side bases (neutral Snipers) have been completely rebuilt and moved back -Naturals have been placed as LoS blockers/cover/re-routes for vehicles -Re-building weapon layout (in progress) -Tweaked spawns -Kill barriers have been finalized -Turret towers have been re-built -Man-cannons have been eradicated I may or may not be missing something, but I'll post another update comment soon. I have to say, Behemoth is coming out wonderfully!