Hello everyone, here is my latest map Vectes. Vectes was inspired from the last part of Sierra 117 from Halo 3, but then quickly evolved into a slightly different variation I guess you could say. It’s not to scale I don’t think. I actual think I’ve blown it up a few notches. As a side note this is purely aesthetics, which means It is not intended for any game type. Halo Reach Map- Vectes - YouTube If you hate videos then shame on you. But here are some images. This is the part where you give feed back. Maybe some cake too..
Wow! A new map post! This looks nice, you seem to have an original idea whenever you make your maps, as if you were playing a campaign without the enemies.
Yay fileshares are back up! as an aesthetic map well done but that 3 by 3 bridge looks unrealistic it would never just stand like that.
Yay fileshare are back up. This map looks very aesthetically pleasing. There are some things though that could be changed to help improve the aesthetics like changing those ramp inclines(where the tank is) because the inner walls are just very unappeling to the eye. Also I usually hate 3x3 blocks very much because of there iregulaur texture and overall appearence but oddly on this map it doesn't bother me. Great map