Firstly, I know this may say Remake but let me remind you that it isn't. I was just heavily inspired by the original to make this. Also, this is my first map submitted to Forge Hub, so go easy, thanks. This map supports a very large amount of players so if you would like to test it with a party, please message me. Weapons: x2 Needle Rifle x1 Needler x1 Focus Rifle x1 Energy Sword x1 Plasma pistol x1 Plasma rifle x1 Concussion rifle x1 Fuel Rod Gun x8 Plasma grenades x2 Human Turret x2 Sniper rifle x3 Magnum x2 Assault rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x4 Fragmentation grenades x4 Designated Marksman Rifle Vehicles: x2 Scorpion x2 Rocket Hog x2 Warthog x4 Mongoose x2 Banshee x2 Shade turret x6 Health Station Pictures: Red Base Red Sniping point Blue Base Blue Sniping point Covenant outpost Inside the tunnel (underneath center platform) Blue Falcon Central platform and Red Falcon View from blue hill Sword atop the mountain Have fun. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just as I thought, zero replies.
Here's one. nice map coulda been better with the covenate base, but that's fine since i hate the covenate
The red and blue bases look just a little too open, but other than that this looks like it could be alot of fun
nice job the weapon balance seems good and the theme adds a nice spin to the map, though the map does seem a bit lacking in cover because in the first photo it sort of looks like and open field and if you are playing with DMRs then some of the higher ground might become really powerful. overall though good map that looks sort of like a remake of paradiso, but a very good remake indeed
I must say that it is not actually a 1:1 replica as it doesn't feature everything. But hey, its a limited forging experience:/