Apparently a thread was created on neoGAF Saturday which had a link to a pdf version of a powepoint internal document containing a roadmap for Microsoft's future regarding Xbox through the years 2011 to 2015. This PowerPoint was supposedly made in 2010 and is the source of most of the rumors regarding the next xbox. Apparently the word around the internet is the 56 page leaked pdf is fake (quite a lot of work for a hoax if that was the case) but CNET released an interesting article saying why they don't think its fake. The article is worth the read. Http:// Some images for those too lazy to click the link Yukon code name architecture light version of rumored durango architecture.
I'm not completely surprised by some of these ideas here... all of which are pretty doable if you ask me.
The Augmented Reality Glasses is possible since Google is actually doing stuff with that. Probably going to cost a boatload of money though.
Probably entirely bullshit. The fact that the words "Xbox 720" and "Kinect V2" Are used in the pictures pretty much says it's entirely made up. Also the fact that it says it'd all be done by 2013 is complete horseshit. They were still working on the original Kinect back in 2010, so they definitely would not be planning out an entirely new system and a "Kinect V2" when they hadn't even finished the first one yet. And another one, in the pictures they were talking about making a 3G kinect phone in 2015... Yep... Horseshit.
I take it you didn't read the article. The powerpoint is from 2010. Meaning, provided it is real information, dates could (and probably have) been shifted back. Also the Kinect was released late in 2010, but it was fully ready long before then so having a loose roadmap (which is what this "leak" potentially is) of what will be packaged with a future console is not that surprising. Honestly, if the only thing working against (and I feel this is important to take notice of, a 56 page pdf filled with a fair amount of specifics) the "leak" is that the word "xbox 720" comes up then that isn't much reason to dismiss it.
I've heard somewhere that they were going to be getting rid of disks and making it all into memory I don't believe it but at the same time I hope they do not.
Probably heard that from Oli's rumor thread made a while back. The last thing shown in the roadmap is a strong focus on cloud based streaming but it won't replace disc based content any time soon.