Okay, I need your help. I'm going away on a trip pretty soon so in order to make up for the lost time, im trying to upload as many youtube videos (Halo Reach) as possible on private, then when the date comes that im suppose to have a video up, all I need to do is switch it to public from my iPhone. However im finding it very hard to formulate tutorial ideas, this is where I need your help. I need ideas of what to cover. Anything works, thanks a lot.
different kinds of aesthetics. for example a lot of the maps i c lately box the play area in using coliseum walls for the border and then use the decorative walkway vertically as a type of pillar so it isnt just a coliseum wall. pretty simple and at the same time...pretty badass cluckinho10 is right. spawns, spawn zones. one thing to mention about color is that object color should be changed, not just team color. bothers me when a map has color for TS and its neutral for FFA. also a way to reduce bumping on flat ground. If u set a grid upside down theres an invisible barrier. U can then put objects under that barrier but above the blue part of the grid so that u have a nicer, smoother looking floor. only downside is that sniper shots dont ricochet off of grids and it generally has to be for the bottom floor or u have to use the outer edge of the grid. Thats wat ive been doing for my like 2 released maps anyway. U can do the same for stairs with the 3x3 short but i think thats old news at this point :b
Dafuq? How on earth come I didn't know that?! Thanks, I might actually be able to use this for some future maps. Some Tutorial ideas: - How to utilize water in your maps - How to balance maps (especially asymmetrical) - How to be more original - How to think of cool names for maps (no joke) - How to use vehicles in your maps (Competitive maps that is, such as Slayer and Objective, and also Invasion) and how to balance them out with each other and with infantry.
i forgot to mention that after reloading forge the grid wont be even because of the same "glitch" that makes coliseum walls off center so u'll have to adjust it to be flat by angling it a lil less than 1 degree in the opposite direction that it shifts.
When and how to use edit coordinates. (surprisingly alot of people don't) and how to make rocks look natural.