All week long G4 TV has been counting down the top 100 video games of all time (selected by the X-Play staff/writers/etc) in 1 hour specials. I recommend everyone watch it, and I'm sure there are clips up on g4 or on youtube all ready. It just inspires so much nostalgia as just about every game that you might consider good is in that list (at least in my opinion). The list is compiled by games that had the largest impact on the gaming industry, pop culture, and just good overall quality of game and covers a nice assortment of different genres. Supposedly the list is a ranking, as in every game is great an impactful but as you go down the list each game was better or more memorable than the last. I don't really like to think of it that way as I find some of the games in the list too dissimilar or important in their own right to make that kind of comparison but overall I found they did a good job. Here's the countdown on g4 for people who want to click their way through the list and watch each clip individually. G4TV My question to everyone here is do guys agree with the list? Is there a game that you feel should have been lower on the list or not deserving of being on the list? Do you feel any games got shafted from this list? Mind you out of the many thousands of games that have come out 100 is a fairly small number so there were bound to be ones that just got snubbed. For anyone curious of how well Halo did on the top 100 list, Halo CE was 37 Halo 3 was 23 No Halo 2, Reach, ODST but I mean kind of to be expected, not every game in a franchise should be on a top game list, maybe if it was a top 200 they would be. And number 1 was Super Mario Brothers which I completely agree with.
any way to view multiple games at a time? if you have to hit "next" for every single game in a list of 100, I'm just not going to bother.
Meh, it's whatever. Definitely disagree with a LOT of things on that list, but whatever. Considering Halo 1 revolutionized shooters on the console, you'd think it should be higher than Halo 3. I can see why Reach and ODST aren't on it, but come on, Halo 1 through 3 are legendary. Agree with mario though.
As I said there is probably youtube clips of each grouping MultiLockOn, did you disagree with the games being on the list or their order? I mean I'm sure there are games that could be argued that should be there but at the same time it's hard to argue any of the games on the list not being there. It also takes a whole appreciation of the genre, if you enjoy one genre in particular over any other than your view on what game was more important would be more biased to what you enjoy. For instance, most hardcore gamers would not consider Angry birds an important game. It didn't invent physics based knocking over objects with a catepult type gameplay. However, it has sold more copies than Mario, Halo, Sonic, and Zelda combined. The impact it has had on pop culture has been enormous, however most gamers such as you and me wouldn't consider it worth it.
If anyone or anything's opinion should be listened to seriously regarding the worthwhileness of games, G4TV's opinion is as far away from that opinion as could possibly be without being Spike TV.
Kingdom Hearts, yesss. Twas an excellent game. EDIT: Is Journey or Shadow of Collossus on the list? I believe they deserve a spot.
Thanks Mr. Malice. Does that mean you disagree with the list or refuse to look on principle of asshatness? And guys instead of asking me where games on the list was...just click the site or look it up. Damn guys, I write the thread for discussion of the list, not to tell everyone what position games are. I don't even so much look at it as an order (even if that was the intention of the list) I look it as every single one of those 100 games were important in their own right.
Kingdom Hearts should have at least been in the top 20-30's. 55 is an insult to such a creative and groundbreaking game. The pure fact of mashing up disney characters with Final Fantasy really made the game memorable and so enjoyable...
Things which stuck out to me: -Arkham City one spot higher than CE. I know I may come off as biased considering that I like one more than the other, but can anyone here really argue Arkham City as more influential or defining than Halo CE? Can't really get on board with that. -Is it me, or was there no mention of Quake in there? That baffles me. It's Quake. -Bioshock at no. 3. Don't get me wrong, fantastic game, but top 3? That seems like a hardcore fan influence there... EDIT: Also, a more personal qualm, but I'd probably have put Limbo in place of Braid. I LOVE Braid, but I think the stylistic value of Limbo makes it pretty important in its own way. It's a great example of how beautiful and atmospheric a game can be, doing a lot to help the image of games as art.
Quake was in there, Quake Arena. As I said before I don't think looking at it like an order is necessarily the right thing to do, more so when getting down to specific numbers like one being one spot higher or lower than another. That would mean you would have to quantify exactly what puts one game on a slightly higher plane than another versus just saying one game from the 80s should be in the 20s or something like that which is just a relative value thing. Remember Pegasi this list is not just for the hardcore gamer. Batman is a pop-culture icon that transcends gaming and many more people might identify with a good batman game than Halo. Not that I agree with the numbering, just playing devil's advocate with why it might be the lower number. As multilockon was saying, I might have switched Halo CE with Halo 3.
I hate when companies like G4 or IGN release "top _____" lists. The lists are nothing more than a few guys in an office's consensus, which isn't a problem, but idiots everywhere start interpreting it as pure fact and start to believe that the list makes a game better or worse than it really is, creating even more elitist video game snobs simply because they share the opinion with a handful of other people.
Or the non-jaded conspiracy theory way to look at it is a group of people spend weeks compiling what they think is a list of top games to be discussed by the greater community. No one is stating it is a definitive list and fact. As I said in the op there will always be games (out of the many hundreds of thousands that have been created since gaming started) that would be snubbed. I found the show interesting because I just liked seeing all the old games that I'd forgotten about or that I wanted to play but never got to. The ranking was secondary to me but if you're the kind of person that needs to focus on that ranking as if it were the main thing and not the games themselves then you'll have a much more bitter time with it. The main problem with these lists is not the list itself (though partly to blame because of the obvious consequences they produce) it is the fan-boy, vitriolic responses people make in response. It no longer is about the games but about why this company was represented more than this other company or why this shooter game which everyone loved at the time but now people find lame shouldn't be a better number than this game that didn't have a sequel etc. It becomes more political than about gaming which, at least to me, is all on the people who think those ways.
You're right, phew. I personally would have put it higher, but then that's very much addressed by both your points below. Both very good points. I guess what stuck out to me was that Arkham City and CE were so close. Even from a non hardcore perspective Halo is still a huge name. That said, I hadn't fully factored in the Batman element, and the pop culture significance that the name has is definitely a fair point. In that light, I'd actually quite like to see the PSX Spiderman game in there. That's not to say I consider it a glaring omission, but for me it was the first superhero game that really gave me the feeling of being truly badass in the right way for the hero in question. Swinging, jumping, climbing, crawling on the walls/ceilings and fighting all felt so good.
I have no problem with the list, just the fact that idiots become elitist snobs from reading them. I don't really need to rely on other people's opinions to develop my own about a game and I don't really understand why you're interpreting all that I've said as me being bitter/butthurt towards the specifics of the list when I'm just talking about the effects that these lists have on various people.
How did no Pokemon game get in there? EDIT: After further review I found out that Red/Blue got in at #57. After reading the review that came along with it, I assumed that the people in G4 are idiots since later in the post they said the game was called "Pikachu Red/Blue". ^linky
Firstly: Cool name. (Nope Mr. Malice is already taken. ****ing myspace bands) Secondly: Not at all. The list contains every single game I've ever liked that has achieved critical media attention. That's the point of these lists, broad appeal draws in traffic, and idiots who treat the list as though it were important, thus making it seem important. Thirdly: Anyone with a drop of cultural awareness doesn't need to look at the list to know what it contains, so why bother looking at it. Zelda, Mario Bros, Halo, Kingdom Hearts, COD, Guitar Hero, Mass Effect, Megaman, Unreal Tournament, Pokemon, Pong, Sonic, Metal Gear, Metroid, CounterStrike, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Space Invaders, Shadow of the Colossus, Half-Life, Bioshock, Portal, Donkey Kong, Doom. The list is about as surprising and controversial as bread. If you've seen one Top 100 Games list, you've seen them all. Fourthly: People are starting to talk Pacmonster. If you keep being abrasive with people, they're going to start doing things without you, and it's getting harder and harder to look out for you. It's all about personal attitude, and the only way to change that comes from within. Fifthly: 100. Pong 99. Words With Friends 98. Pitfall 97. NBA 2K11 96. Guitar Hero II 95. Burger Time 94. Braid 93. Star Wars: Tie Fighter 92. Galaga 91. The Sims 90. Baldur's Gate II 89. Left 4 Dead 88. Double Dribble 87. Mass Effect 2 86. Out Run 85. Silent Hill 2 84. Wii Sports 83. Ninja Gaiden 82. Super Smash Bros. Melee 81. Resident Evil 80. Gears Of War 3 79. PsychoNauts 78. Spy Hunter 77. Excitebike 76. Blades Of Steel 75. Fallout 3 74. Starfox 64 73. Mega Man II 72. Mortal Kombat 71. Wing Commander II 70. Star Wars 69. Double Dragon 68. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 67. Minecraft 66. Assassin's Creed II 65. Unreal Tournament 64. NBA Jam 63. Wolfenstein 3D 62. Civilization II 61. God Of War III 60. Contra 59. Maniac Mansion II: Day of the Tenacle 58. Ultimata Online 57. Pokemon Red/Blue 56. Super Street Fighter IV 55. Kingdom Hearts 54. Gauntlet 53. Deus Ex 52. Rock Band 3 51. Ratchet & Clank Going Commando 50. Sonic The Hedgehog 49. Angry Birds 48. Tecmo Bowl 47. Must 46. Red Dead Redemption 45. Metal Gear Solid 44. Grand Theft Auto IV 43. Quake III: Arena 42. Ghosts 'N Goblins 41. Super Mario 64 40. Space Invaders 39. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 38. Super Metroid 37. Halo 36. Batman: Arkham City 35. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 34. Counter Strike 33. Final Fantasy VII 32. Mike Tyson's Punch Out 31. Skyrim 30. Super Street Fighter II Turbo 29. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 28. Super Mario Kart 27. Chrono Trigger 26. Ico 25. Grand Theft Auto III 24. Madden 2005 23. Halo 3 22. Panzer Dragoon Saga 21. Resident Evil IV 20. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 19. Diablo 2 18. Ms. Pac-Man 17. Starcraft 16. Half-Life 15. Donkey Kong 14. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 13. Portal 12. Doom II: Hell on Earth 11. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TIme 10. World of Warcraft 9. Shadow of the Colossus 8. Goldeneye 007 7. Super Mario Bros. 3 6. The Legend of Zelda 5. Tetris 4. Asteroids 3. Bioshock 2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 1. Super Mario Bros.