Purification - temporary name + needs testers

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by F33RtheB33R, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    Purify (Formerly Purification) - BTB Symmetrical map

    Hi all! This is my first map post here on Forgehub. I have finished a new Big Team Battle map called Purify (Formerly Purification). Pictures and map information are below.

    Before forging Purification, I made several other BTB maps as well as countless concepts on paper. None of them were very well balanced and I got bored with most about half way in to making them. Hopefully I utilized that gained knowledge when I planned out this map.

    Alright, so Purification is a large (~2/3 the size of Hemmorhage) symmetrical BTB map partially inspired by some of my older map concepts along with the idea of having Warthogs be the primary vehicle. Here are some pictures:


    Now the Weapons List (still in progress):
    2x Falcon - 70 sec
    4x Warthog - 25, 50 sec
    4x Mongoose - 15, 20 sec
    2x Ghost - 30 sec

    4x DMR - 10, 15 sec
    4x NR - 15 sec
    2x AR - 10 sec
    2x Plasma Rifle - 10 sec
    3x Concussion Rifle - 40, 60 sec
    2x Focus Rifle - 60 sec
    2x Needler - 40 sec
    2x Shotgun - 50 sec
    1x GL - 40 sec
    1x Plasma Launcher - 50 sec
    1x Spartan Laser - 110 sec
    2x MG Turret - 30 sec
    2x Plasma Turret - 40 sec

    I still need more testers. I've only gotten around 10 matches, and I believe only 3 with full lobbies. Other tests had 10-12 players.

    I'd like to get several full lobby tests, but I only have about 3 friends who still play Reach. If anyone wants to help out, send me a Friend Request and I'll invite you if I'm making a test lobby.

    GT: Evil Mr Fetus
    #1 F33RtheB33R, Jun 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map looks rather open and flat in some areas, but with some tweaks you could have something pretty cool here. I would suggest adding some minor height variation to the main central area, with a little hump in the middle to block some lines of sight. Also, thickening the bridge above the center of the map would help with LoS as well. I should be on around 8 PM central both tonight and tomorrow, so send a message to The Psycho Duck on Xbox if you want.
  3. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    The Bridge actually breaks up the LoS pretty well, and the lowest open area is mostly a vehicle area which also provides two more entrance ways to an enclosed lower level that houses a Spartan Laser(not pictured). I'll have to see with testing how the other areas work out.

    I'm also very low on budget, but I could probably remove some weapons and scenery if I find them unneeded.

    I'll send you an FR now too.
    #3 F33RtheB33R, Jun 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you're running low on budget, you could move to map to the ground and make use of naturals. This could also make the rocks you've placed look more natural.

    I'm up for testing if you need somebody else. GT: basketskate3
  5. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    I would have used a natural landscape but they are never perfect for what I have in mind. And I always need more people! I'll send you a friend request/message and feel free to invite anyone else to the lobby.
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You may also want a new name.there is already one here called purification (which I believe [not sure]is pretty well known)
  7. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    I'll look into that. Thanks for letting me know.

    Edit: @Psychoduck Now I see what you mean by the central area. I'm changing some of the map elevation as we speak.

    Edit Again: Tested it with a lobby of 10 random people. Responses were good and I'll have analyze the saved film later on.
    #7 F33RtheB33R, Jun 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  8. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You should add more cover and a midlle building at the down middle area .

    Even if its open this pretty looking map , remind me beaver creek .
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As frenchy said with this one... your lower area is far too open.
    All maps need a balance of vehicle / foot-based combat. I can see the lower area will be very underused at the moment, even for vehicles. The closer a vehicle gets, the more accurate and powerful it's weapons are, and there will be very few infantry crossing that large open region due to the severe lack of cover.

    I can imagine the region is currently used by vehicles by way of a quick retreat with minimal objects to potentially crash into.

    Overall though, the theme of the map is very nice.
  10. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    What would you suggest doing with the lower area? I'm completely lost with ideas for it. I could possibly make it narrower to reduce the open space, and I've switched the Plasma Pistol by the lower grav-lift to a grenade launcher. As for structures, I've got no clue.
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You ran out of budget for that?

    The rock wall in the back along with that thing going over the map are unnecessary because there are no aircraft to provide cover from and never could be on a map this flat.

    Chop the map length down by one coliseum wall length on each side and use the ones you save to replace the ramps and 4x4 pieces you've used other places for the floor.

    Raise up the far side of the lower area to the height of the bridge and make it overhang the remaining lower area.

    If you think that bridge is cover you're unnecessarily flattering yourself. The entire map is way too open and on the ground it looks like there's almost nothing for cover. Shortening the map will help this but you still need to go out and build something.
  12. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    Actually the map has a Falcon for each team. I've tested it about 6 times right now and the Falcons are not overpowered because the height limit is fairly low, and there is a fast-respawning Plasma Launcher as well as a Spartan Laser on the map. Additionally, even an only slightly coordinated team was able to take out the enemy Falcon with the Warthogs and infantry weapons.

    I've done some edits today, including making a structure in the open flat area, which during testing was used quite a bit. I also deleted some rocks from the top section and placed more ground cover around the bases as well as raised a portion of the middle level of the map.

    Edit: I'll update the first post with new pictures in a bit.
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Why don't you just give each team a scorpion to counter the falcons.
    Spartan lasers and annoying killzones are two things that will make people hate a map quickly.
  14. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    There is enough room for two falcons on top of eachother to fly above the main structure before hitting the soft killzone. Any higher and neither ground forces nor the Falcons could hit eachother accurately.

    Also, wouldn't each team having a Scorpion be about the same as each team having a Spartan Laser? Maybe even worse due to the Scorpion's extreme power against infantry. I tend to stay away from Scorpions after the opening days of Hemorrhage, but I guess I could try it out.

    I also should probably update the main post with a weapons and vehicle list...
    #14 F33RtheB33R, Jun 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  15. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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  16. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    Sorry I haven't been updating things. I haven't had the time these past few days. I'll go ahead and put a "temporary name" addition into the title for now. The name isn't something I'm focused on right now.
  17. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    some map names:
  18. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Even if the bridge blocks the LOS and the bottom area is intended for vehicles, you'll still need cover for players from the vehicles. From looking at the pictures alone I can tell its really open, what if one player sees another in the open from on top of the bridge? Theres no cover in sight for the player on the bottom.

    Just grab a few building blocks and place down some derbies and give the map some contrast from the grey, get some cover in there and it looks golden.
  19. F33RtheB33R

    F33RtheB33R Promethean

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    Okay the original post is updated with new and updated pictures of the map as well as an in-progress weapons/vehicles list.

    The cover on the map has been overhauled, as well as weapon spawn times and placement.

    Testers are still needed. I want to get several matches with full lobbies in the next week or so if possible. If anyone wants to help test, my GT is Evil Mr Fetus. Send me a Friend Request and I'll invite you whenever I start a testing session. Thanks.

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