OK I want to make all the different ways and types of forging and how to do the types + what makes a good forge map a what dosen't. (I'll scheck this list daily and add new forge tips to this list) (One comment per person please) 1.) Speed dosent help.(mine)
I would imagine so...or at least a move. *Attention all shoppers we have a sale on a topic that needs to be moved, in Aisle 17* Anyway, Some good forge techniques... *Interlocking - Almost required for most people to download. *Merging - Difficult, but if you can do it, you get some good feedback. *Spawn Placement - Very Very VERY important, people hate getting spawn killed. *Uniqueness( Not really a Forge Technique) - Be unique when making structures and other aspects of your map! *NO Armories - You will almost definitely get flamed if there are any armories. Especially if you have a competitive map.