Skyline Terrors By Beybok (Minion) This map is my newest infection map. This map is inspired by one of my older maps: Resistance In An Infected City. It is the same theme (A destroyed city) But this one plays much better, and looks much better. There is one building that is accessible, and has two entrances. It goes with the gametype: Skyline Terror. They both can be found in my fileshare. The gametype is very unique, and the zombies are invisible and can use the drop shield. The humans have evade, and start off with assault rifles. The drop shields and evade are infinite, and allow the zombies to easily corner the humans, by walking forward, then placing a dropshield, and walking to the edge of that drop shield, and placing another, and slowly, they will move forward without taking any damage. When the humans are cornered, the evade helps them to get out, and yet, it isn't too overpowered. Anyways, here is a picture! Also, sorry for the low quality. I don't have a capture card. It has a long way to go before it is complete, but so far I really like the looks of it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey guys, just wanted to say, the pic doesn't do it justice. At all.
Sounds really interesting, I can't really picture what the drop shield effect is going to turn out like yet, but I'll probably be able to play this map with you sometime soon. However, if you're already off for a vacation, I'll try to check it out myself in a future custom lobby. For now, you have my attention, this sounds promising!
I just found out that the dropshield is terrible unless you have a full lobby. Right now I'm working on a gametype without dropshields. I just have the next gen effect on.
I would also suggest that you get rid of unlimited evade for humans and replace it with normal evade at the least. The map's not too bad, but the main problems I found were in the gametype.
Actually I'm gonna keep the gametype I have now, just for full lobbies, because it worked very well, but I'm definantly gonna make a new one for smaller lobbies.
I do agree with Zigywig, it's probably better to make the humans have limited evade, especially with full lobbies.
After the summer, let's try to get a game on it. I can assure you it works fine with unlimited evade and unlimited dropshield for zombies. It may seem weird, but with a full lobby it works great.